
  • 26-October-2011

    English, , 303kb

    Impact Analysis of the Determinants of the Demand for Financial Services in Rural Morocco

    The study, which began in 2006, capitalised on the start of Al Amana’s activities in rural areas and aimed to quantitatively measure the economic impacts of microcredit in remote rural areas.

  • 31-August-2011

    English, , 690kb

    Agricultural Water Management: An Evaluation of the Bank's Assistance in Ghana and Mali

    Agricultural water management projects present particular challenges and therefore require very careful planning, design, and execution to avoid failures or leave the beneficiaries worse off.

    Related Documents
  • 30-June-2011

    French, , 3,142kb

    Croissance et productivité de l’agriculture et des agroindustries

    Une partie seulement des interventions de la Banque mondiale faisant intervenir un appui aux activités agricoles ont mis l’accent sur l’amélioration de la croissance et de la productivité agricoles dans les économies pauvres à vocation agricole.

  • 4-April-2011

    English, PDF, 5,929kb

    Agriculture in the Finnish Development Cooperation

    The evaluation concentrates on the Finnish support to the agriculture during the period 1995-2008 and covers mainly the following four partner countries: Zambia, Mozambique, Vietnam and Nicaragua.

  • 13-September-2010

    English, , 3,826kb

    Evaluation of the Strategic Alliance for Agricultural Development in Africa: 2006-2009

    The evaluation report starts off by explaining the context of the agreement, and then goes on to reveal the consequences for the Nigerian economy, and the impact on poverty reduction in Nigeria.

  • 3-September-2010

    English, , 388kb

    Viet Nam: Rural Infrastructure Sector Project

    Agriculture and rural development are critical to Viet Nam's development, as 80% of the country's poor live in the rural areas, and the greater part of the rural population is primarily engaged in farming.

  • 25-August-2010


    Useful resources on impact evaluations

    Useful resources on impact evaluations

  • 24-August-2010

    French, , 1,317kb

    Bilan de l’assistance technique à la Fédération des paysans du Fouta Djallon (FPFD) en Guinée

    Plus qu’une évaluation, cette étude constitue un bilan des appuis apportés à la Fédération des paysans du Fouta Djallon (FPFD) depuis sa fondation en 1992.

  • 15-July-2010

    English, , 802kb

    Smallholder Agribusiness Development Initiative

    The overall goal of SADI was to achieve a sustained increase in rural growth and household incomes through productivity gains, better access to markets, and on and off-farm value-added activities in 4 target provinces of Eastern Indonesia.

  • 7-July-2010

    English, , 476kb

    Performance of ADB Assistance to Agriculture and Natural Resources - Evidence from Post-Completion Evaluations

    Cross-country studies show that growth in gross domestic product originating from agriculture is at least twice as effective in reducing property as the growth of gross domestic product originating outside of agriculture.

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