
Call for applications

Call for applications for funding in 2025

The Co-operative Research Programme (CRP)'s call for applications for funding international events (such as conferences, workshops, congresses and symposia) and research fellowships grants is OPEN

Please note the guidelines and conditions, selection criteria and research themes for funding for fellowship award and conference sponsorship below. Applications must be submitted through the appropriate online application forms. PDF forms are provided to help you prepare your application before going to the online forms.

Applicants must be residents in one of the countries participating in our Programme.  

Please consult the files which give general information on the country's research institutes and universities (Scroll down at the "Information on Member countries and national correspondents" in "The About & Contact" section.)

Applications relevant to the work of the OECD Committee for Agriculture and other bodies are particularly welcome:

• Sustainable and resilient productivity growth and food security and nutrition
• Climate change mitigation, reducing emissions from agriculture and food systems, carbon sequestration in agriculture, forestry and land use
• Halting and reversing forest loss and land degradation
• Reducing the negative environmental impacts of livestock production and practices harmful to animal health and welfare, investigating the positive contribution livestock can make to soil quality and management, biodiversity and livelihoods
• Biodiversity, enhancing ecosystem services
• Improving soil health and water and air quality, including through agro-ecological and other innovative, context specific approaches
• Innovations in the transfer and development of agricultural knowledge, including Indigenous and traditional knowledge
• Fisheries and aquaculture productivity, sustainability and resilience

The deadline to apply is Tuesday 10 September 2024, midnight (Paris time).

Fellowship applications

Applications are invited from research scientists working in agriculture, forestry or fisheries and who would like to conduct research projects abroad, in another member country of the Co-operative Research Programme. The aim of the Research Fellowships is to strengthen the international exchange of ideas and increase international mobility and co-operation among scientists working in these areas. Previous research fellowships are available for review. Testimonials from past fellows and their hosts can also be reviewed below.

To apply for a Research Fellowship Award, please consult the following documents:


To apply, you must complete the following document:

Conference applications

Applications are invited from research scientists working in agriculture, forestry or fisheries for funding towards an event (conference, workshop, symposium, etc) to take place in a member country of the Co-operative Research Programme. The aim of the Event Sponsorship scheme is to inform policy makers, industry and academia of current and future research, scientific developments and opportunities in these areas. Previous events are available for review. Testimonials from past organisers and participants can also be reviewed below.

To apply for event sponsorship, please consult the following documents:


To apply, you must complete the following document:


Former fellows, hosts, organisers, speakers and participants of conferences gave their feedback on fellowships and conferences funded by the Co-operative Research Programme.


Comments from research fellows

"The Fellowship met and exceeded my expectations as an opportunity to refresh my learning and broaden my understanding of internationally-shared challenges and values. […] I thank the OECD for this valuable and unique experience, and will recommend the CRP to many others, in future." UK fellow who undertook a fellowship in Japan in 2017

"This opportunity in the OECD-CRP helped to expand my research career directly and indirectly. I could collaborate not only with the host institution but also with other researchers who are studying on the frontier of phage therapy in medical science. This visit increased my understanding of viruses in the environment and helped at making a network of research connections." Japanese fellow who undertook a fellowship in Belgium in 2017

"The Programme is very useful to initiate collaborations, proof-of-concept projects and leverage larger initiatives. The reporting requirements are proportional to the investment. Overall the programme achieves a good balance between magnitude of investment and objectives." Australian fellow who undertook a fellowship in Spain in 2019


Comments from host laboratory collaborators

"This is an excellent programme which facilitates the initiation of new, or strengthening of existing, collaborations. It is an excellent initiative and represents good value for money. I would strongly encourage its continuation." Irish host laboratory supervisor hosting a Spanish fellow in 2017

"This is the first time in my career that I have hosted an OECD CRP fellow. I found it to be an extremely rewarding experience and would be happy to host another."  US host laboratory supervisor hosting a Hungarian fellow in 2018


Comments from conference organisers and speakers

"It's been a pleasure to organise the workshop and the support from the OECD including from the CRP representative has been very positive and helpful." Organisers of the workshop on "Rapid evolution and the global spread of invasive species in Wallingford" in United Kingdom, June 2019

"[The conference] went beyond my expectations; speeches and activities allowed for a lot of new ideas.The meeting was very well organised and allowed flexibility where needed." Speaker at the conference in 2016 on "Vulnerability of agricultural production networks and global food value chains due to natural disasters" in Vienna, Austria, in June 2016


Comments from conference participants

"This was an outstanding meeting that provided a unique opportunity to meet many world leaders in this field." Participant at the conference on Natural products in pest management: Innovative approaches for increasing their use, in Bellagio, Italy, September 2018

"I particularly appreciated the diversity of countries and well balanced gender representation." Participant from the "7th World Fisheries Congress: Session on Genomics for improved fisheries management and conservation: have the promises been fulfilled?" in Busan, Korea, May 2016

"Very good opportunity to see so many of the famous people on the field speak about their research!" Participant from the "4th International Workshop on Streptococcus suis" in Montreal, Canada in June 2019