Guidelines for authors


  The following guidelines are designed to assist authors in preparing their contributions for the IMHE General Conference.


Papers should address issues bearing on the practical and policy direction of higher education as they relate to the topic of the Conference “Values and Ethics: Managing Challenges and Realities in Higher Education”. Both descriptive and prescriptive accounts are accepted but the contributions should offer general accounts drawn from different contexts going beyond the descriptions of individual cases.


  • Papers can be submitted in either English or French.

          Deadline for summaries: 1 October 2005
          Deadline for complete selected text: 15 February 2006
          Deadline for other presentation tools if used (e.g. Power Point): 15 June 2006.

  • Clarity of expression and thought are important. Title should be as brief as possible.
  • Papers should be sent in electronic form. The most convenient for the Secretariat, is Microsoft Word.
  • There is equipment for computer projection (Power Point) and overhead projection in all conference rooms.



Length: should not exceed 15 pages (single spaced) including figures and references (about 5000 words).

The first page: before the text itself should appear centred on the page in this order the title of the article and the name(s), affiliation(s) and country/countries of the author(s).

Abstract: the main text should be preceded by an abstract of 100 to 200 words summarising the article.

Quotations: long quotations should be single spaced and each line should be indented 7 spaces.

Footnotes: authors should avoid using footnotes and incorporate any explanatory material in the text itself. If notes cannot be avoided, they should be endnotes, at the end of the article.

Tables and illustrations: tabular material should bear a centred heading “Table”. Presentations of non-tabular material should bear a centred heading “Figure”. The source should always be cited.

Addresses of author(s), including email, should be typed at the end of the article.

References in the text: Vidal and Mora (2003) or Bleiklie et al. (2000) in the case of three or more authors. However, the names of all authors should appear in the bibliography at the end of the article.

Bibliography at the end of the article: references should be listed in alphabetical order under the heading “References”. Examples of the reference style used in the Journal are:

 For periodicals:
Kogan, M. (2004), “Teaching and Research: Some Framework Issues”, Higher Education Management and Policy, Vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 9-18.

• For books:
Helen Connell (ed.) (2004), University Research Management – Meeting the Institutional Challenge  OECD, Paris.


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