NAEC in the News

Boosting brain health is key to a thriving economy
Megan Greene, The Financial Times (12 August 2021) [download pdf]

Wanted: a resiliency tsar for the US government,
Rana Foroohar, The Financial Times (23 May 2021) [download pdf]
Following NAEC conference "A Systemic Recovery"

Joe Biden’s experiment could revolutionise economic thinking,
Megan Greene, The Financial Times (6 May 2021) [download pdf]

Coronavirus crisis lays bare the risks of financial leverage, again
Martin Wolf, The Financial Times (28 April 2020) [download pdf]

Resilience and Covid-19

Unequal sharing of vaccines will cost the global economy dearlyThe Canadian (29 April 2021) [Analysis of NEAC conference "A Systemic Recovery"]
Comment les économistes tentent de mesurer l'activité en temps réel
, Les Echos (22 January 2021)
What is the economic impact of the latest round of lockdowns?The Economist (16 January 2021)
“Se há uma coisa boa que podemos retirar da crise é o reconhecimento de que os governos podem operar grandes mudanças” ("If there’s one good thing we can take away from the crisis, it’s the recognition that governments can make big changes"), Nuno Aguiar, Examine (27 October 2020)
The big question: Mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on economic growth, ESI Africa (13 October 2020)
Econ 3.0? What economists can contribute to (and learn from) the pandemic, MIT Technology Review (28 September 2020)
NYU’s Epstein on fear and complacency in the age of Covid, Rob Mannix, (7 September 2020)
Coronavirus: Gurrìa (Ocse), Italia esemplare in gestione crisi (Coronavirus: Gurrìa (OECD), Italy exemplary in crisis management), Agenzia Nova (3 September 2020)
Developing world's burgeoning middle class risks being wiped out in coronavirus crash The Telegraph (10 August 2020)
An Unexpected Trait Can Help Certain People Adjust to Our ‘New Normal’, Sarah Sloat, Inverse (3 August 2020)
The Resilience of Nuclear Power, Sama Bilbao y Leon, OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, World Nuclear News (10 July 2020)
What could sustainable exit from covid-19 ‘debt trap’ look like?, Elena Johansson, Expert Investor (18 June 2020)
Covid-19 and Jerome Powell Will Test Bitcoin’s Resilience, Christopher Brookins, Forbes (13 June 2020)
Krugman, Spence ve Rodrik ne diyor? (What do Krugman, Spence and Rodrik say?), Osman Arolat, Dünya (8 June 2020)
The wellbeing approach is more important than ever in a crisis like Covid-19, David Hall, The Spinoff (13 May 2020)
Economists need to abandon their comfort zones to deal with Covid-19, Rana Foroohar, The Financial Times (3 May 2020)

Atlantic article photo Daniel Hernanz Ramos/Getty

The Pandemic is Revealing a New Form of National Power,
Uri Friedman, The Atlantic 
(15 Novembr 2020)

"It is time for a paradigm shift, and this change must take place in the streets of Europe"

The President of Ireland, Michael D Higgins, speaking at the OECD-NAEC conference "Confronting Planetary Emergencies", has called on the world to “reflect on the systemic weaknesses” Covid-19 has exposed and develop a fresh approach to economic thinking and inequality. 

Michael D Higgins says world must ‘reflect on systemic weaknesses’ in society exposed by COVID-19, The Irish Post (10 October 2020)

Irish Examiner view: Contributing to global change

OECD Conference ["Confronting Planetary Emergencies"] inlcudes discussions on how countries are responding to the pandemic and how prepared we are to confront global emergencies.

Irish Examiner view: Contributing to global change
(8 October 2020)

NAEC and Brain Capital

Why the fight against COVID-19 won't end with a high vaccination rate Financial Post (Canada) (20 Sept 2021)
Boosting brain health is key to a thriving economy
, Megan Greene, The Financial Times (12 August 2021)
Women's Brain Health: It's Time to Invest Brain Health, and Recognise Gender Differences, Chief Finance International (Summer 2021)
Focusing on employee brain health could relaunch the economy, ScienceBlog, University of Texas (27 October 2020)
Team proposes a holistic economic reimagination that focuses on brain health to improve employees' resilience, Center for Brain Health, Medical Xpress (27 October 2020)
The BrainHealth project could create a resilient economy, Center for Brain Health, EurekAlert (26 October 2020)
Brain Capital: A new economic and investment approach, Prodeo Institute, (26 October 2020)

New Approaches to Economic Thinking

New Approaches to Economic Challenges (NAEC): The Critical OECD Think Tank, Forbes (8 October 2021)
Joe Biden’s experiment could revolutionise economic thinking
, Megan Greene, The Financial Times (6 May 2021)
Den Paradigmenwechsel Befeuern (Firing up a Paradigm Shift) Forbes Magazine (German language edition) (14 July 2020) 
NAEC questions traditional economic ideas and offers new economic tools and methods. But what would a more resilient and inclusive system look like?
, Forbes Magazine (17 June 2020)
Build-back better to withstand the next global systemic economic disaster, Sharon Wood, Business Maverick (9 June 2020)
Co dalej z globalizacją? Laureat Nagrody Nobla odpowiada (What next for globalisation? Nobel Laureat responds), Forbes Magazine (Polish language edition) (23 May 2020)
Laver la main invisible, Alan Kirman, On décide quoi pour demain?, Le petit carnet des éditions paroles hors série (June 2020)
Os punks da OCDE. Em busca de uma economia alternativa (The punks of the OECD. In search of an alternative economy), Nuno Aguiar, Exame (25 Feb 2020)

Covid recovery will stem from digital businessRana Foroohar, The Financial Times (4 October 2020)

OECD’s NAEC publishes a tour de force in The Financial SystemInstitute and Faculty of Actuaries (30 September 2020)

Thinking Beyond GrowthAndrew Sheng, The Statesman (28 September 2020)

Covid-19 drives leaders to make unprecedented interventions but what next?Larry Elliott, The Guardian (13 September 2020)