
  • 7-December-2015

    English, PDF, 581kb

    Rethininking Civil Society and Support for Democracy

    This report presents an overview of the way that civil society is changing. It highlights the extent to which such activism is focused on a changing set of issues. Civic organisation show great advantages and the potential to contribute to democratic deepening, but they also exhibit clear shortcomings. The challenge will be to harness their positive potential, while designing strategies that can mitigate their less welcome features.

  • 1-September-2010

    English, , 780kb

    How Basic Community Infrastructure Works can Trigger Livelihood Improvements and Good Governance Personal notes on a validated model integrating socio-economic progress and democracy development in poor urban areas

    Traditional democracy support only is likely to yield few concrete results. And projects focusing only on concrete – that is, public works – tend to be few and expensive, of questionable quality and often not reflecting priorities within the community.