
  • 18-October-2011

    English, , 1,744kb

  • 17-October-2011

    English, , 1,986kb

    Contextual Choices in Fighting Corruption: Lessons Learned

    Why, despite unprecedented investment in anti-corruption in the last fifteen years and since the implementation of global monitoring instruments and global legislation, have so few countries managed to register progress? These were some of the questions that this report sought to answer.

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    English, , 780kb

    How Basic Community Infrastructure Works can Trigger Livelihood Improvements and Good Governance Personal notes on a validated model integrating socio-economic progress and democracy development in poor urban areas

    Traditional democracy support only is likely to yield few concrete results. And projects focusing only on concrete – that is, public works – tend to be few and expensive, of questionable quality and often not reflecting priorities within the community.

  • 6-February-2008

    English, , 826kb

    Swedish Democracy Promotion through NGOs in Bolivia, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Peru

    This evaluation of Diakonia’s Latin America programme was initiated by the Department for Evaluation, UTV, in cooperation with the Regional Department for Latin America, RELA. Diakonia is one of the largest of the Swedish frame organisations.

  • 15-August-2006

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    Sida/SAREC Bilateral Research Cooperation: Lessons Learned

    The purpose of this evaluation is to assess the support given to bilateral research cooperation activities that aim to strengthen research capacity of developing countries (Mozambique, Tanzania, Bolivia and Nicaragua).

  • 4-April-2002

    Spanish, , 614kb

    Integración de la Perspectiva de Igualdad de Género Evaluación del Apoyo de Asdi para la Promoción de la Igualdad de Género, en los Países de Cooperación para el Desarrollo - Informe de País – Nicaragua

    En el año 1996, la igualdad de género fue establecida como una de las metas de la cooperación sueca al desarrollo. Un año más tarde Asdi formuló un Programa de Acción para promover la igualdad de género. El Programa de Acción enfoca la estrategia de integración de una perspectiva de género para lograr el objetivo de la igualdad de género. Según dicha estrategia, la igualdad de género debería ser implementada en las políticas,

  • 9-January-2002

    English, , 617kb

    Mainstreaming Gender Equality, Sida’s support for the promotion of gender equality in partner countries, Country Report Nicaragua

    Gender equality remains a challenging goal in the Nicaraguan context. On one hand, there is clear evidence of the burden of inequality which women face in terms of differences in income and the experience of poverty, in negative health outcomes, in victimisation due to inter family and sexual violence and physical abuse; and in under-representation and poor access to political decision making. For the most part these costs of

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  • 3-January-2002

    English, , 1,264kb

    Mainstreaming Gender Equality: Sida’s support for the promotion of gender equality in partner countries

    In 1996, gender equality was established as a goal for Swedish development co-operation, and one year later Sida formulated an Action Programme for promoting gender equality.