
Intellectual property statistics for decision makers

The 2022 IP Statistics for Decision Makers (IPSDM) conference took place on 14-15 June in Warsaw, Poland. The event was jointly organised by the Polish Patent Office (PPO) and the OECD, with the financial backing of the European Commission, and support from the Polish Ministry of Economic Development and Technology. In light of ongoing international travel restrictions, the event was held in a hybrid format, combining an in-person conference experience with a virtual component.

The conference was a unique opportunity to discuss IP-related issues and brought together high-level policy experts, top academics and representatives from the private sector. As in previous editions, the focus was on how IP data, statistics and analysis can be used to inform decision-makers in both the public and private sectors, and to identify key data needs. Participants discussed advances in the analysis of intellectual property rights statistics, and the role that these knowledge-based assets may play in shaping innovation, competition, business strategy and dynamics and, more generally, economic performance.


Plenary sessions were dedicated to the following topics. Click to download the session presentations (.zip)

The conference was preceded by a PATSTAT Database introduction for beginners and an IP data workshop on 13 June.


Event organised by:

  oecde logo


The conference benefitted from the financial support of the European Commission and the Polish Ministry of Economic Development and Technology.

European commission logo




Intellectual property (IP) rights are supposed to promote investment in activities aimed at developing new technologies and improved products and processes. IP rights give innovators and creators time-bound rights allowing them to benefit from their technological advances and original work, and to obtain a return on their investment. In addition, the information about the new technologies, products and services made publicly available through IP rights may allow others to build on this knowledge, thus enabling further technological advances and creativity. This may in turn help industries to grow and flourish, and foster the creation and development of the market for ideas. 
IP data and analysis can help inform and shed light on decisions related to specific science and technology developments, R&D and innovation, entrepreneurship and enterprise dynamics, market structure and dynamics, trade and comparative advantage, and economic development and growth. IP data can also help reveal important facts about how IP systems themselves are performing, and thus contribute to make their design aligned with the economic needs.