

Unlocking finance and investment flows for clean energy and infrastructure development.

Unlocking finance and investment flows for clean energy and infrastructure development.

SIPA work in Indonesia

As Indonesia seeks to revise its Medium-Term National Development Plan (RPJMN) 2020-2024 and long-term strategy (Vision of Indonesia 2045) in response to the pandemic, there is a unique opportunity to help direct investments towards more sustainable energy, transport and industry infrastructure projects. Approved projects should not only support economic growth and job creation in the short term, but also assist and accelerate the transition towards a more resilient, less emissions-intensive economic model that is compatible with the Paris Agreement and the SDGs in the long term.

SIPA’s activities in Indonesia related to infrastructure planning and evaluation include a pilot multidimensional assessment of a major infrastructure project (implemented by IISD), a review of strategic infrastructure planning processes, institutions and instruments (OECD and WWF) to mainstream resilience against climate change risks.  Sectoral work in Indonesia focuses on fossil-fuel subsidy reform (IISD), training programmes aimed at unlocking finance for renewable energy projects as a follow-up to the Clean Energy and Finance review  of Indonesia (OECD), a regional study on improving low-carbon transport and logistics connectivity (ITF) and targeted policy advice on decarbonising energy-intensive industries (OECD/UNDP). SIPA includes an array of capacity development activities, including to promote responsible business conduct (RBC) and due diligence (OECD).