Powerpoint Presentations


Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI), OECD

Alberta Education, Canada


Innovative Learning Environments (ILE)


International Conference on Innovative Learning Environments


Banff Conference Centre, Banff, Alberta, Canada


October 10th – 12th 2011










14:00 – 17:45 [All in Plenary Session]


14:00 – 15:00

1. Welcome and Conference Aims

Welcome by Tony Mackay and by Alberta Deputy Minister and Chair of the OECD Education Policy

Committee, Keray Henke


2. Setting the Scene – Current Agenda

  • Introduction to reforms and innovation in Alberta: Minister Dave Hancock, Minister of Education 
  • The Key Role of Learning and Innovation – Insights from the OECD, Director Barbara Ischinger, OECD Directorate for Education


15:00 – 16:30

3. Why Systems Must Innovate their Learning

  • Keynote by Nelson Gonzalez, Stupski Foundation, USA
  • Open discussion


The aim of Session 2 is to lay out existing priorities and developments in learning and innovation as seen both from the host education system and from the international OECD viewpoints. The keynote will open up to the conference the urgency of innovating learning systems in the 21st century, democratising deep learning across the whole generation of young people, rather than in isolated pockets, and engaging in the innovation that this implies. Both sessions are intended to sharpen the agenda for the rest of the conference while the discussion time will allow the participants from many different countries and vantage points to place their priority issues on the table.


16:30 -17:00  Tea/coffee break


17:00 – 17:45 

4. The OECD/CERI International “Innovative Learning Environments” (ILE) Project:Framing Concepts and Existing Conclusions
  • David Istance, ILE Project Leader
  • Discussion

[For reference: OECD overview powerpoint and project summary; Alberta “Inspiring Action in Education”, 2010]



18:00-19:00 Conference Reception offered by Alberta Education.




9:00 – 10:30 [in plenary session]

5. Overview of Innovative Learning Environments in the International Project

The aim of this session is to consider the range of different learning arrangements emerging from the pool of cases being compiled by the ILE project and what they reveal about the dimensions of innovation and the nature of learning within them. The aim is also to consider the most appropriate and useful forms of synthesis in subsequent revisions.


[For reference: the Universe and Inventory Synthesis, the ILE Universe Summary report, and the individual ILE “Inventory” case studies]


10:30 - 11:00  Tea/coffee break


11:00 – 12:30 [in workshops]

6. Facets and Dimensions of Innovative Learning Environments

  • What different ILEs mean for the learner and for the learning professionals – changing the learning experience

Chaired by Valerie Hannon, Innovation Unit, UK

Presenting: Judy Halbert and Linda Kaser, Network of Performance Based Schools, Vancouver

Island University, British Columbia, Canada.

Chaired by David Istance.

Presenting: Anders Palm and Peter Skoglof, Swedish National Agency for Education, Stockholm,

Sweden. / Erich Ramsheir, University of Teacher Education, Berne, Switzerland. (TBC)

Chaired by Dean Lindquist, ADM, Learning Supports & Information Management, Alberta Education, Canada.

Presenting: Jennifer Groff, Educational consultant, Cambridge, USA.

  • ILEs for new knowledge, competences and capacities – changing content

Chaired by Gertraud Benke, Institute of Instructional and School Development University of Klagenfurt, Austria.

Presenting: Ellen Hambrook, ADM, Education Program Standards and Assessment, Alberta Education on Framework for Student Learning: Competencies for Engaged Thinkers and Ethical Citizens with an Entrepreneurial Spirit.


The aim of this session is to address the dimensions of innovation in learning environments through specific concrete approaches and examples, while in all cases exploring their implications for holistic reorganisation. Each workshop will be guided by specific questions with the aim of exploring broader issues and potentials, not describe specific cases.


12:30 - 13:45 Lunch at Banff Conference Centre


13:45 – 14:15 [in plenary session]

  • Open discussion of the morning’s workshop issues and insights
  • Introduction to next workshops.


14:15 – 16:00 [Workshops]

7. Key Transversal Issues arising for Innovative Learning Environments  

Chaired by Hanna Dumont, University of Tuebingen, Germany.

Presenting: Marlene Scardamalia, Institute for Knowledge Innovation & Thechnology (IKIT), University of Toronto, Canada. (TBC) 

Chaired by Anthony Mackay, Centre for Strategic Education (CSE), Melbourne, Australia.

Presenting: Jan Robertson, Griffth University, Waiheke Island, New Zealand.

Chaired by  Carol McLean, ADM, People and Research, Alberta Education, Canada.

Presenting: John Bangs, Trade Union Advisory Committee (TUAC) Working Group on Education, Training & Employment Policy, England.

  • How appropriately to judge the success of ILEs - outcomes?

Chaired by Per Tronsmo, Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training, Oslo, Norway.

Presenting: Maria Langworthy, Microsoft Innovative Teaching and Learning (ITL), Partners in Learning Program, Redmond, USA.


The aim of this session is to examine a number of the transversal issues that are critical to the implementation of 21st century learning environments, and which call for substantial clarification of concepts and aims as well as necessary organisational drive and political will. Consideration of options will extend beyond specific cases prepared for the ILE project.


16:00 -16:30  Tea/coffee break


16:30 - 17:00  [Plenary]

  • Panel of Workshop Chairs on “Key Transversal Issues arising for ILEs”


17:00 -18:00 [Plenary]

8. Making Innovations Happen – Insights from ILE Cases and Wider OECD Analysis


This session will form the bridge between the issues discussed on Days 2 and 3 of the conference. It will bring together the experiences reported in the case studies on how the ILEs began and were sustained over time and it will present some of the key insights from the more general OECD innovation analysis.


[For reference: Draft OECD Synthesis Report on Innovative Learning Environments, Executive Summary from the 2010 OECD publication “The Nature of Learning: Using Research to Inspire Practice”, and the “Implementation and Change” discussion paper.]




9:00 – 9:30 [Plenary]

Reflections on discussions and issues from Day 2 including presentations in item 8.


9:30 – 10:30 [Plenary]

9. The Governance and System Challenges


10:30 -11:00  Tea/coffee break


11:00 -12:30 [Workshops]

  • Systems and modes of governance appropriate for fostering 21st century learning environments

Chaired by Rod Allen, Superintendant, British Columbia, Canada.

Presenting: Kim Bater, Canadian Rockies Public Schools District, Banff, Canada.

  • Networks and clusters – going to scale through a well-developed “meso” level

Chaired by Lone Lonne Christiansen, Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training,

Oslo, Norway.

Presenting: Patricia Wastiau, European Schoolnet, Brussels, Belgium.

Chaired by Susanne Owen, Department of Education & Children’s Services, Adelaide, South Australia.

Presenting: José Carlos Rocha Silva and Isidro Sánchez Ulloa, National Council for Educational Development (CONAFE), Mexico city, Mexico. / Susanne Owen

  • Influencing climates, building capacities, and creating conducive conditions – appropriate policies?

Chaired by Elvira Vacirca, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Presenting: Michael Walter, ADM, Strategic Services, Alberta Education on Educational Transformation in Alberta; ATA and ASBA representatives


12:30 – 14:00 Lunch at Banff Conference Centre


14:00 - 14:45 [in plenary]

  • Key issues emerging from morning workshops
  • Discussion


The aim of this substantial item – with keynote, plenary discussion, workshops, and conclusions – is to address the challenges of systemic growth of 21st century learning environments. It is to identify promising models and examples and to address outstanding inhibiting factors. It is asking how current reform priorities and approaches match the directions identified through the discussions.


To 14:45 -  16:30 [in plenary]


10. Taking Stock and Looking Ahead

  • Stakeholder Panel – social partners (business, trade unions), international and national policy players, researcher – What have we learned? What else do we need to know to make progress?

(Short Presentations from:Charles Fadel, BIAC; Greg Butler, Microsoft PIL; TUAC representative (tbc)

  • Discussion
  • Final reflections – how far have we come and next steps.



7:00 pm Creativity, innovation and leadership

  • Opening of the Alberta 21st Century Learning Leadership Forum
  • Keynote presentation by Sir Ken Robinson [title].



  • Olds school tours (full day)




  • Alberta 21st Century Learning Leadership Forum


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