
Speeches / Presentations

  • 27-October-2015


    Public Governance Ministerial Meeting: Remarks at official dinner

    At an international level, we continue to face many challenges – slow growth, unemployment, growing inequality, loss of trust – all the legacies of the crisis. We are also confronting the risk of dramatic consequences from climate change. But, crucially, we face a growing appetite for action. For results.

  • 3-December-2014


    OECD Forum on Financing Democracy and Averting Policy Capture: Remarks by the OECD Secretary-General

    Six years into the crisis, people’s faith in government is stagnating at record lows. The 2014 Edelman Trust Barometer shows a continuing decline of trust in government to 44%, down from 48% in 2013. Only 15% of respondents in the 27 countries surveyed this year said they trusted their government leaders to make ethical and moral decisions.

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  • 9-November-2014


    Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Economic Leaders' Meeting: Summit Dialogue on Economic Reforms

    Because the OECD is not only a “Global Standard Setter and a house for best practices”. It is also a pathfinder for effective implementation and we will be very proud to share our experience and expertise with APEC member economies and their business circles to develop innovative ideas and practical tools for competitive economies and inclusive societies!

  • 27-November-2013


    Update: Administrative Burden Reduction project

    The role of government is to act as an enabler, generating the right conditions for growth and ensuring that its benefits are fairly distributed. Both the Competition Assessment and the Administrative Burden Reduction project can serve as roadmaps to achieve these goals by making it easier to do business in Greece, said OECD Secretary-General.

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  • 18-February-2013


    G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting: Financial Consumer Protection/Financial Education

    The OECD has shown its commitment to this strand of G20 work by providing your Leaders with key global principles to enhance financial consumer protection in 2011 at the Cannes Summit; and by promoting the development of consistent financial education strategies with the High Level OECD/INFE Principles on national strategies for financial education delivered, said Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary-General.

  • 28-September-2012


    Keeping up the reform effort for stronger, cleaner and fairer growth in Indonesia

    Going structural, going social, going green and going institutional will enable Indonesia to secure its path to prosperity and ensure inclusive and sustainable growth.

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  • 10-January-2012


    Lanzamiento de la Edición 2012 de la Guía para Mejorar la Calidad Regulatoria de Trámites Estatales y Municipales e Impulsar la Competitividad de México (in Spanish)

    La mejora regulatoria es un componente fundamental de las estrategias de recuperación económica; pero también es la única vía para dar el salto al desarrollo. México ha hecho muchos esfuerzos para mejorar su regulación y competitividad, y los resultados están a la vista.

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  • 26-November-2010


    Changing for the Better: Making Reform Happen in the Aftermath of the Crisis

    In his remarks to "Making Reform Happen", Angel Gurría said that "well-designed and well-implemented reforms yield a triple dividend. They lift output and employment; they strengthen public budgets and they rebalance global demand."

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  • 28-October-2010


    Regulatory policy at the crossroads: towards a new policy agenda

    In the current circumstances of weak recovery, high unemployment and constrained room for manoeuvre by macro-economic policies, a robust regulatory environment is key to return to a stronger, fairer and sustainable growth path, said OECD Secretary-General.

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  • 4-May-2010


    Better regulation to ensure market dynamics

    Presenting this report in Rome, Angel Gurría said that Italy has made significant progress in cutting regulatory costs, liberalising product markets and modernising its public administrations in recent years. He added that Italy must continue along the path of regulatory reform to make its economy more competitive and speed up its recovery from the economic crisis.

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