
Regional Development

COP21 session - Green growth and sustainable urban development

3 Dec. 2015
15:15 - 16:45
Paris-Le Bourget
Side event

  • Location: Conference Centre - Blue Zone - Delegations Area - Hall 3 - Pavilion 7

By the end of this century, almost 9 billion people are projected to live in cities, representing 85% of the global population.

All across the world, large cities attract people because they are motors of growth with enormous potential for job creation and innovation. Cities are also the hubs in global trade and transport networks. The current wave of urbanisation presents both risks and opportunities that requires strategies to help cities delivering quality public services and education, link people to jobs through accessible transport, and facilitate and sustain an affordable housing supply.

This event brought together high-level city government officials and experts from across OECD and non-OECD countries to discuss how different levels of government can work effectively together to achieve green growth and sustainable urban development.

This side event presented:

  • the main outcomes of the 6th OECD Roundtable of Mayors and Ministers held in Mexico City on 16 October 2015; and
  • the OECD’s work on Urban Green Growth and in particular, recent case studies in Southeast Asia.

  • Session Summary

Key speakers

  • Opening and closing remarks by Mari Kiviniemi, Deputy Secretary-General, OECD
  • Miguel Ángel Mancera Espinosa, Mayor of Mexico City, Mexico
  • Katarina Luhr, Vice Mayor for the Environment, City of Stockholm, Sweden
  • Michael Berkowitz, President, 100 Resilient Cities
  • Kengo Ishida, Chief Executive, Environment Bureau, City of Kitakyushu, Japan
  • Vincent Fouchier, Director of the Aix-Marseille Provence metropolitan planning project (governmental mission) / Chair of the OECD Working Party on Urban Policy
  • Ana Marie Argilagos, Senior Advisor, Ford Foundation
  • Rolf Alter, Director, Public Governance and Territorial Development Directorate, OECD
  • Joaquim Oliveira-Martins, Head of Regional Development Policy Division, OECD (Moderator)


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