New Approaches to Economic Challenges

The New Approaches to Economic Challenges (NAEC) initiative  develops a systemic perspective on interconnected challenges with strategic partners, identifies the analytical and policy tools needed to understand them, and crafts the narratives best able to convey them to policymakers.

=> NAEC Briefing Note / Note d'information NAEC

=> NAEC Primer - objectives, outputs and influence

December 2021 ¦ July 2021 ¦ December 2020 ¦ July 2020 ¦ New Decade New Approaches (2020) ¦ December 2019 ¦ May 2019 ¦ December 2018  ¦ June 2018 ¦ Autumn 2017


New Approaches to Understanding and Managing Inflation 

For further information on NAEC, please contact:

William Hynes, Head of the NAEC Unit -


What's new?

NAEC publication series


The Financial System

The Financial System


Beyond Growth: Towards a New Economic Approach

Beyond Growth - Towards a New Economic Approach 

cover OECD-IIASA report (feb 20)

‌Systemic Thinking for Policy Making - The Potential of Systems Analysis for Addressing Global Policy Challenges in the 21 Century 

NAEC papers


Systemic Resilience in EconomicsNature Physics (12 April 2022)

Digital Technologies Can Enhance Climate Resilience of Critical Infrastructure
Climate Risk Management (2022)

Exploring the Convergence of Resilience Processes and Sustainable Outcomes in Post-COVID, Post-Glasgow EconomiesSustainability (3 December 2021)

Building resilience will require compromise on efficiency, Nature Energy (20 October 2021)

Deep Institutional Innovation for Sustainability and Human DevelopmentWorld Futures - The Journal of New Paradigm Research (24 June 2021)

Building Brain CapitalNeuron (5 May 2021)

The Brain Economy, RSA Journal Issue 3 2020

Combine resilience and efficiency in post-COVID societiesNature (8 December 2020)

NAEC conferences



NAEC Conference “Strategic Globalisation”

NAEC and Covid-19


Exit Strategies and Lessons from Covid-19

A Systemic Socio-ecological Recovery from Covid-19, Global Social Policy (6 June 2021)

A Systemic Resilience Approach to Dealing with Covid-19 and Future Shocks

Bouncing forward: a resilience approach to dealing with COVID-19 and future systemic shocks, published in Environmental Systems and Decisions; National Institutes of Health Nature US National Library of Medicine Public Health Emergency Collection and WHO COVID-19 Global literature on Coronavirus Disease (25 May 2020) 

Systemic Resilience as a Response to Covid-19, published in MigResHub at the Migration Policy Centre, RSCAS, European University Institute (September 2020)

NAEC projects


“Brain Capital” considers brain skills and brain health as an indispensable part of the knowledge economy. In the Neuro-inspired Policy Initiative NAEC promotes this concept as an approach for thinking about the economy and how it works in new ways and is laying some of the groundwork, looking at relevant metrics and building up a network of interested actors in the medical field, neuroscience, philanthropy and business.

New Approaches to Economic Challenges (NAEC): The Critical OECD Think Tank, Forbes (8 October 2021)
Why the fight against COVID-19 won't end with a high vaccination rate Financial Post (Canada) (20 Sept 2021)
Boosting brain health is key to a thriving economy, Megan Greene, The Financial Times (12 August 2021)
NAEC and Neuroscience-inspired Policy, Megan Greene, Bloomberg (2 July 2021)
Wanted: a resiliency tsar for the US government, Rana Foroohar, The Financial Times (23 May 2021)
Joe Biden’s experiment could revolutionise economic thinking, Megan Greene, The Financial Times (6 May 2021)
Unequal sharing of vaccines will cost the global economy dearly, The Canadian (29 April 2021)
The Pandemic is Revealing a New Form of National Power, Uri Friedman, The Atlantic  (15 Novembr 2020)
Piketty: "La política monetaria puede ser parte de la solución, pero no toda” (Piketty: "Monetary policy can be part of the solution, but not all of it", Ignacio Fariza, El Pais (10 October 2020)
Michael D Higgins says world must ‘reflect on systemic weaknesses’ in society exposed by COVID-19, The Irish Post (10 October 2020)
Covid recovery will stem from digital business, Rana Foroohar, The Financial Times (4 October 2020)
Thinking Beyond Growth, Andrew Sheng, The Statesman (28 September 2020)
Covid-19 drives leaders to make unprecedented interventions but what next?, Larry Elliott, The Guardian (13 September 2020)
From Just in Time to Just in Case, featuring the Open Markets Institute/NAEC Roundtable, Rana Foroohar, The Financial Times (4 May 2020)
Economists need to abandon their comfort zones to deal with Covid-19, Rana Foroohar, The Financial Times (3 May 2020)
Coronavirus crisis lays bare the risks of financial leverage, again, Martin Wolf, The Financial Times (28 April 2020)

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