

15th OECD Local Development Forum

10-11 December 2019 Antwerp, Belgium

The 2019 Forum annual conference brought together 250 local development practitioners, entrepreneurs and social innovators to share good practices about how employment and skills programmes are meeting employer demand and what’s being done to help people and places catch-up. Plenary sessions were complemented by interactive workshops and study visits in the city of Antwerp. The Forum also highlighted promising programme examples that were selected through a call for good practices and featured in the event’s Local Initiative Marketplace.

What was the issue?

Unemployment across the OECD sits at 5.3%, but more employers than ever struggle to fill open jobs. New technologies and changes related to the future of work will continue to alter hiring needs, while at the same time, some people and places are struggling to keep pace with change. The 2019 Forum was held under the theme "Right Skills, Right Jobs, Right Places".

Did you know? Unemployment across the OECD sits at 5.3% - the lowest rate in the last 20 years.

Join us in Antwerp on 10-11 December 2019!

Did you know? Unemployment across the OECD sits at 5.3% - the lowest rate in the last 20 years.

Meeting app

For the 2019 edition, we used the meeting App Swapcard, accessible from laptops, tablets and smart phones.

Access desktop version

Missing Entrepreneurs

The Missing Entrepreneurs 2019 was launched on 10 December 2019 at the Forum by OECD DSG Knudsen. 

Access report

Policy highlights

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