
Kappa Books

  • 9-March-2016


    OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2016 - Latvia

    Tourism is considered to be one of Latvia’s main drivers of economic development, an important source of export revenue and a key contributor to GDP. In 2014, tourism directly contributed 3.8% of Latvia’s total GDP of EUR 24.1 billion. Tourism exports increased by 4.4% over 2013 to reach EUR 935.7 million in 2014, representing 6.7% of total exports.

  • 13-December-2013


    Coping with Emigration in Baltic and East European Countries

    The Baltic countries have experienced sustained emigration over the past decade, contributing to population decline and a loss of working-age population. The impact is felt strongly in the labour market, the general economy and in social developments. The Baltic countries are not alone in tackling these challenges. This book brings together the recent experience of various OECD countries in developing policies to cope with emigration.

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