
GFP webinar series

The OECD Global Forum on Productivity invites academics and policy experts to present their takes on the current global challenges for productivity.

» Watch full video recordings of the webinars

Recently concluded



“New policies for sustainable productive development and growth”

jointly organised with the Chilean Ministry of Economy, Development, and Tourism

27 – 28 September 2023

Santiago, Chile

More information about the programme and logistics


Previous events

2022 Annual Conference of the GFP, jointly organised with the European Commission DG ECFIN
July 2022, Brussels

Euro area’s productivity and competitiveness in the new challenging times (jointly organised with France Stratégie and the European Commission)
June 2022, Paris

Fourth LACRP Ministerial Summit on Productivity
June 2022, Brasilia

Joint Banque de France and OECD Global Forum on Productivity (GFP) Workshop
December 2021, Virtual

2021 Annual Conference of the GFP joint with Italian presidency of G20
July 2021, Venice

2020 Annual Conference of the GFP: Market Dynamics, Competition and the Role of Industrial Policy in the Context of the COVID-19 Crisis
December 2021, Berlin

3rd Ministerial Productivity Summit
October 2019, Bogota

Joint Workshop on Firms, Industries and Productivity
September 2019, Lisbon

2019 Conference of the GFP: "Keeping pace with technological change: The role of capabilities and dynamism" 
June 2019, Sydney

Workshop on Spatial Dimensions of Productivity
March 2019, Bolzano

2018 Conference of the GFP: “Firms, Workers and Disruptive Technologies – Ensuring Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
June 2018, Ottawa

Ministerial Summit on Productivity
April 2018, San Jose

BIS-IMF-OECD Joint Conference
January 2018, Paris, OECD

OECD Global Forum on Productivity Workshop
September 2017, Berlin

2017 Conference of the Global Forum on Productivity:Openness, global value chains, and productivity-enhancing policies
June 2017, Budapest

International Conference on Productivity and Inclusive Growth
December 2016, Santiago

OECD Global Forum on Productivity Workshop
October 2016, London

2016 Conference of the GFP: Structural Reforms for Productivity Growth 
July 2016, Lisbon

July 2015, Mexico 

September 2014, Paris

Understanding productivity growth – new insights, new questions 
October 2013, Paris

OECD Workshop on productivity 
November 2012, Paris