
G20/OECD Report on Financial Consumer Protection and Financial Inclusion in the Context of COVID-19



Date of publication 
27 October 2021

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G20/OECD Report on Lessons Learnt and Effective Approaches to Protect Consumers and Support Financial Inclusion in the Context of COVID-19

The underlying data and evidence summarised in the report was collected via a questionnaire distributed in April 2021. The report considers the impact of the pandemic on financial consumers and financial inclusion, highlights measures to support financial inclusion and protect financial consumers, and identifies longer-term implications of the pandemic, lessons learnt and effective approaches to protecting and supporting consumers.

The effective approaches and lessons learnt presented in the report have provided input for the development of the G20 Menu of Policy Options for digital financial literacy and financial consumer and MSME protection “Enhancing digital financial inclusion beyond the COVID-19 crisis

This report was prepared for the G20/OECD Task Force on Financial Consumer Protection and the Global Partnership on Financial Inclusion (GPFI), in support of the Italian Presidency of the G20. The report reflects inputs and guidance from GPFI member countries, Implementing Partners and Affiliated Partners, as well as Delegates of the G20/OECD Task Force on Financial Consumer Protection and other key stakeholders, including FinCoNet, via an extensive consultation process.



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