
The Sustainable Development Goals highlight the importance that the global community places on water and there is increasing demand for innovative and effective approaches to water management. With widespread competing demands on water, maintaining environmental sustainability and meeting the needs of the most vulnerable members of society must both be addressed. The OECD provides policy guidance on water to OECD members and non-OECD countries, covering a wide range of issues.

The established Roundtable on Financing Water aims to accelerate action to scale-up financing for water investment which contributes to sustainable growth.

What's new

Event: Eleventh meeting of the Roundtable on Financing Water, co-convened with the European Commission | Hybrid meeting, 30-31 May 2024

Working paper: Water investment planning and financing | 24 May 2024

Working paper: The implementation of the Polluter Pays Principle in the context of the Water Framework Directive | 24 May 2024

Working paper: The economics of water scarcity | 24 May 2024

Working paper: Cost recovery for water services under the Water Framework Directive | 24 May 2024

Event: OECD at the 10th World Water Forum in Bali | 20-24 May 2024

Working paper: Assessing the enabling conditions for investment in water security: Scorecard pilot test in Asian countries | 16 May 2024

Blog: Why does the financial sector need to think about water risks? | 13 May 2024 

Blog: Even with an Olympic event lined up, improving water quality is not that straightforward | 22 March 2024

Video: Managing endocrine disrupting chemicals in freshwater | 22 March 2024

Event: Tenth meeting of the Roundtable on Financing Water | 22-23 November 2023

Report: Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals in Freshwater: Monitoring and Regulating Water Quality | 12 October 2023


Explore the policy areas below to access the latest OECD work in each area:

Water satellite site Button water quality and quantity

BUTTON Water risk, disaster and climate change2

Water satellite site Button water governance

Water satellite site Button water finance

Water for sustainable growth and the SDGs - thin font transparent

Water satellite site Button agriculture

Water satellite site Button water and cities

Button Regional and national policy dialogues