
Sécurité des nanomatériaux manufacturés

Special Session on the “potential implications of manufactured nanomaterials for human health and environmental safety”


The OECD’s Chemicals Committee held a Special Session on the Potential Implications of Manufactured Nanomaterials for Human Health and Environmental Safety, 7th June 2005. This was the first opportunity for OECD member countries, together with observers and invited experts, to begin to identify human health and environment safety issues associated with manufactured nanomaterials. The session was well attended with over 80 participants from 22 delegations from OECD member countries as well as other organisations and invited experts.  (see the Programme and presentations).

This session was followed the 38th meeting of the Chemicals Committee (8th-10th June), which discuss the next steps.  The Chemicals Committee recognized that nanotechnology offers a wide range of potential benefits which will impact on a large number of sectors. At the same time, it was noted that there should be a responsible and co-coordinated approach to the safety of the technology (see the report of the Special Session).

The Joint Meeting acknowledged the strong consensus on the need of harmonisation in baseline information and agreed to start building international cooperation to address regulatory schemes, the development of assessment methodologies and testing schemes, and an effective sharing and exchanges of information. There was strong consensus that information address by the Joint meeting be readily communicated to the general public.

As a follow up for ensuring human health and environmental safety, the OECD Chemicals Committee decided to hold this first OECD Workshop on the Safety of Manufactured Nanomaterials. This event will take place in December 2005, in Washington, D.C.


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