
Publications & documents

  • 18-novembre-2022


    Le Cameroun et le Sénégal rejoignent les bases de données de l'OCDE sur les ressources et les emplois

    En 2020, trois organisations internationales, l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC), l'OCDE et la Commission économique des Nations unies pour l'Afrique (CEA-ONU) ont lancé un projet de renforcement des capacités en Afrique afin de développer la production de statistiques nationales pour les tableaux internationaux des entrées-sorties (TIES) qui sous-tendent les indicateurs TiVA...

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  • 7-novembre-2022


    Croissance et bien-être économique : deuxième trimestre 2022, OCDE

    Le revenu réel des ménages continue de baisser au deuxième trimestre

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  • 20-May-2022


    OECD Expert Group on Extended Supply and Use Tables

    Measures of trade in value-added (TiVA) have transformed our ability to understand the scale and complexity of global value chains. However, to a large extent, the accuracy of these estimates is determined by the granularity of information used to construct them.

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  • 14-mars-2022


    Une nouvelle base de données de l'OCDE fournit des données actualisées sur les émissions de CO2 du transport aérien

    Le transport aérien permet de déplacer rapidement des personnes et des marchandises sur de grandes distances et, en facilitant le commerce international et le tourisme, il contribue à la croissance économique et à la création d'emplois. Néanmoins, l'industrie aéronautique contribue de manière significative aux émissions mondiales de CO2.

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  • 8-March-2022


    CO2 Emissions from air transport: A near-real-time global database for policy analysis

    Statistics Working Paper N. 114 2022/4 - This paper describes a new OECD database providing near-real-time and global information on aviation-related CO2 emissions, with allocations across countries following either the territory or the residence principle. This database provides a public good for both statistical measurement and environmental policy analysis.

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  • 2-March-2022


    Tax revenue in the pandemic

    In 2020, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) declined in most OECD countries as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic. Declining GDP tends to be accompanied by a fall in tax revenue because most tax liabilities are based either directly or indirectly on production in the economy, i.e. taxes on profits, wages or sales of goods and services...

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  • 21-February-2022


    International comparisons of the measurement of non-market output during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Statistics Working Paper N. 113 2022/3 - This joint paper by the United Kingdom Office for National Statistics (ONS) and the OECD explains the methodological options available to statistical compilers and explores differences in methodologies used by countries to measure non-market output, analysing their implications for international comparisons of GDP growth during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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  • 24-August-2021


    Developing thematic satellite accounts: The example of a thematic satellite account for transport

    Statistics Working Paper N. 109 2021/2 - In addition to the core set of accounts, the 2008 SNA also introduces satellite accounts, which are linked to, but distinct from, the central framework of national accounts. This paper aims to clarify the key steps for the compilation of thematic satellite accounts, using the example of a satellite account for transport.

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  • 17-June-2021


    Distribution of household income, consumption and saving in line with national accounts: Methodology and results from the 2020 collection round

    Statistics Working Paper N. 108 2021/1 - Economic inequality has been a matter of concern for policy makers and citizens. Evidence-based policies around important topics such as inequality need to rely on systematic, robust data and indicators. For that reason, the OECD and Eurostat have developed methodology and engaged in several rounds of data collection to measure disparities in line with national accounts (DNA).

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  • 11-December-2020


    New data collection on accrued-to-date social insurance pension entitlements in a national accounts context

    Statistics Working Paper N. 107 2020/5 - This paper analyses results on social insurance pension liabilities and entitlements across OECD countries, on the basis of a new data collection. In addition to information on employment-related schemes (covered in the central framework of the national accounts), this new data collection also includes information related to social security pension schemes.

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