
Meetings / Conferences / Agendas

  • 16-avril-2018


    Bourses de recherche et Parrainage de conférences

    Le Programme de recherche en collaboration (PRC) a clos son appel aux candidatures pour l'octroi de bourses de recherche et le parrainage (financement) de conférences en 2019. Le PRC apporte son soutien aux travaux de recherche sur l'utilisation durable des ressources naturelles dans le domaine de l'agriculture, des forêts, des pêcheries et de la production alimentaire.

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  • 10-August-2007


    Nanotechnology: implications for human health, the environment and food safety

    The conference, to be held in Dublin on 2 November 2007, will focus upon the emerging discipline of nanotoxicology and its implications to the broader nanotechnology community. Particular emphasis will be given to the food, environment and medical sectors. The conference will bring together a number of international leaders in the area of nanotoxicology and represents the first conference on this novel topic to be held in Ireland. It

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