
Documents récents

  • 16-July-2020


    Countering Fraud in Social Benefit Programmes - Taking Stock of Current Measures and Future Directions

    This report takes stock of approaches taken by public organisations to counter external fraud in social benefit programmes (SBP) and suggests areas for improvement. It provides insights on preventive and detective measures, and promotes a risk-based approach to addressing fraud and error in SBPs in line with the OECD Recommendation of the Council on Public Integrity. It explores how public organisations can leverage data-driven approaches to improve fraud detection, and how strengthening evaluation activities can promote continuous improvement of anti-fraud measures.
  • 19-April-2020


    Public Integrity for an Effective COVID-19 Response and Recovery

    Public integrity is key to a resilient response to the COVID-19 crisis, ensuring that government action benefits those in need. This crisis creates opportunities for many integrity violations and could intensify fraud and corruption. This policy brief looks at the key integrity challenges.

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  • 25-March-2020


    OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum

    With over 2000 participants from 120 countries, the OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum is leading the policy debate on integrity and anti-corruption worldwide.

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  • 14-novembre-2019


    Panorama des administrations publiques

    Cette édition s’intéresse à la la façon dont les gouvernements innovent et évoluent pour relever le défi de délivrer une meilleure prestation publique et présente des données sur les finances, l’économie, l’emploi, la gestion des ressources humaines et les marchés publics.

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  • 8-October-2019


    Fraud and corruption in European Structural and Investment Funds

    This illustrated guide raises awareness of not only fraud schemes affecting ESI Funds, but also the preventive actions to avoid a “pay and chase” model.

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  • 8-October-2019


    Tackling Fraud and Corruption Risks in the Slovak Republic - A Strategy with Key Actions for the European Structural and Investment Funds

    This report outlines a strategy for managing fraud and corruption risks related to the European Structural and Investment (ESI) Funds in the Slovak Republic. It suggests targeted and tailored actions for the authorities responsible for these funds, building on their existing fraud and corruption risk management practices. The strategy and key actions draw from the OECD Recommendation of the Council on Public Integrity, as well as European Commission guidance and international standards of inter alia the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO), Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
  • 27-March-2019


    OECD Integrity Review of Argentina - Achieving Systemic and Sustained Change

    The OECD Integrity Review of Argentina assesses recent efforts to transform Argentina’s integrity framework from isolated initiatives into a  coherent whole-of-society integrity system. The Review presents concrete actions for developing an integrity strategy to sustain current reforms. The Review also provides insights into how to operationalise a risk management approach to corruption and upgrade the internal audit function within government. Finally, the Review assesses the government decision-making process and provides options for increasing its transparency and integrity for more accountable and equitable policies.
  • 27-March-2019


    La Integridad Pública en América Latina y el Caribe 2018-2019

    La presente publicación analiza en profundidad y de manera comparada cómo los países de América Latina pueden avanzar en la lucha contra la corrupción y promover un cambio sistémico, que reconozca y aborde los principales desafíos en materia de integridad.

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  • 20-March-2019


    2019 OECD Global Anti-Corruption & Integrity Forum - Tech for Trust

    Blockchain, big data analytics, AI and other new technologies are transforming the way of working for governments, businesses and society. The 2019 Forum "Tech for Trust" focused on the risks and opportunities of new technologies for anti-corruption & integrity. New insights related to trade, foreign bribery, competition and development co-operation and other issues also featured in the discussion.

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  • 12-February-2019


    OECD Integrity Review of Mexico City - Upgrading the Local Anti-corruption System

    This report provides an assessment of Mexico City’s Local Anticorruption System (LACS). Based on international best practices and the OECD Recommendation on Public Integrity, the report reviews the institutional and co-ordination arrangements of the LACS; its regulatory framework; and the tools, programmes and processes necessary for a strategic approach to public integrity. It provides concrete suggestions for enhancing the design and implementation of the system, including cultivating a culture of integrity in government, the private sector and society; improving internal control and risk management; and upgrading public procurement policies to ensure value for money. If effective, the LACS has the potential not only to improve governance, deter corruption and boost citizen’s trust in Mexico City, but also to influence the integrity culture in the country as a whole.
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