
Latest Documents

  • 4-July-2014


    4th LAC Tax Policy Forum 2014 • Foro LAC sobre Política Fiscal

    The fourth LAC (Latin American and Caribbean) Tax Policy Forum took place on 3-4 July in Mexico City to discuss the fiscal policy challenges in Latin America. The discussions focused on the political economy of tax reform, “green” taxation, best practices in raising revenue from natural resources, and the role of fiscal policy in reducing inequality.

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  • 16-January-2014

    English, PDF, 39kb

    The Centre for Tax Policy and Administration is recruiting

    The OECD's Tax Centre is seeking intellectual service providers to help lead and deliver four events in the Centre's tax programme for co-operation with Partner Economies.

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  • 4-décembre-2013

    Français, Excel, 409kb

    TIWB informations générales

    Informations générales sur l'initiative Inspecteurs des impôts sans frontières (IISF)

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  • 3-décembre-2013


    Réussir la décentralisation fiscale : exemples du monde entier

    Les décideurs politiques et administrateurs fiscaux de haut niveau du monde entier se réunissent cette semaine à Marrakech pour réfléchir à comment répartir les pouvoirs d’imposition et de perception entre les différents échelons d’administration afin de garantir la responsabilité, l’efficience et la stabilité économique.

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  • 2-December-2013


    A decade of sharing tax experiences and knowledge: Key issues and debates in VAT, SME taxation and the tax treatment of the financial sector

    The report provides an overview of the main issues raised by VAT, SMEs and the taxation of the financial sector, and that tax practitioners should be aware of in their day to day work. Each chapter provides a detailed analysis of the challenges revenue administrations and policy makers face in designing and administering these taxes, and possible solutions that can be adapted and related to the specific situation of different countries.

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  • 31-octobre-2013

    Français, PDF, 270kb

    Résultats de la 4ème réunion du Groupe de travail de l'OCDE sur la fiscalité et le développement

    Le Groupe de travail de l'OCDE sur la fiscalité et le dévelopment s'est réuni à Séoul, les 30-31 octobre 2013. Les gouvernements, les organisations internationales et régionales, la société civile et des représentants d'entreprises ont examiné les progrès accomplis depuis la réunion précédente et ont étudié de nouvelles facons d'aider les pays émergents à mieux mobiliser leurs ressources nationales.

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  • 11-March-2013


    Task Force Sub Group on Transfer Pricing, March 2013

    The Sub-group on Transfer Pricing held its second meeting on 8th March 2013 at the OECD headquarters in Paris to discuss the significant progress made by the Task Force in the past 15 months on its transfer pricing work.

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  • 11-March-2013


    Task Force Sub Group on Transparency in Financial Reporting, March 2013

    The Sub-group on Transparency in Financial Reporting held its third meeting on 8th March 2013 at the OECD headquarters in Paris to discuss how the report on the potential transparency benefits of the public registration of statutory accounts of unlisted companies was being used in the Task Force’s work with developing countries and how to build on that work.

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  • 11-September-2019


    OECD special session at IFA Congress 2019

    As part of a new project on tax morale, the OECD has recently reanalysed the results of a survey of business perceptions on tax certainty, to identify the constraints and concerns they face in paying in taxes around the world. This new report, to be launched at this session, has identified some of the factors that may impact tax morale and attitudes towards compliance among businesses, and how they differ in different regions.

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