
Working Papers

  • 23-février-2011


    Réformer le marché du travail en Espagne

    Après avoir connu une croissance régulière de l’emploi durant les années 90, l’Espagne a accusé la plus forte hausse du chômage de tous les pays de l’OCDE pendant la crise, amplifiée par les problèmes structurels du marché du travail.

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  • 17-February-2011


    Spain: Thematic Review on Risk Management in Agriculture

    Spain's agricultural insurance system must evolve to allow more competition, differentiate marketable and catastrophic risks and reduce subsidies for marketable lines. Spain should also develop a framework for catastrophic risk and facilitate a wider choice of risk management tools for farmers.

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  • 2-février-2011


    Action en faveur d’une utilisation durable de l’eau en Espagne

    L’extraction des ressources a dans une large mesure atteint ses limites, d’autant qu’elles devraient continuer de diminuer sensiblement à l’avenir sous l’effet du changement climatique, notamment dans les régions sèches du pays.

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  • 1-April-2010


    Successful Practices and Policies to Promote Regulatory Reform and Entrepreneurship at the Subnational Level

    This working paper is part of the OECD-Mexico initiative “Strengthening of Economic Competition and Regulatory Improvement for Competitiveness”. It summarises the findings of several case studies on best practices to promote regulatory reform and entrepreneurship at the sub-national level.

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  • 18-février-2009


    Améliorer les résultats de l’enseignement en Espagne

    En l’espace de trente ans, les effectifs des services d’éducation préscolaire et de l’enseignement supérieur ont progressé de manière spectaculaire. Pourtant, la proportion de jeunes peu qualifiés qui entrent sur le marché du travail est particulièrement élevée pour un pays à haut revenu.

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  • 17-August-2005


    ICT and Economic Growth: A Quantification of Productivity Growth in Spain 1985-2002

    Statistics Working Paper N. 14 - 2005/4. Using new sectoral data on investment and capital services we carry out a growth accounting exercise on Spain 1985-2002. We compute the contribution to output and labour productivity growth of employment, non-ICT and ICT capital, labour qualification and Total Factor Productivity. Results are given for 29 different branches; individually and grouped into four clusters according to their ICT

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  • 7-December-2003


    Venture Capital Policy Review: Spain (STI Working Paper 2003/18)

    This paper analyses trends in Spanish venture capital markets and makes policy recommendations which have been developed through an OECD peer review process.

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  • 18-May-1996


    Short-Term Indicators: Using Qualitative Indicators to Update Production Indices (STI Working Papers 1996/3)

    The paper shows the results of a pilot study for six industrial sectors in seven OECD Member countries (Canada, Japan, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United States) whereby short-term qualitative indicators are used to "nowcast" a quantitative indicator, the production index.

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