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  • 12-May-2020

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    Bulgaria workshop report - Financing Water Supply, Sanitation and Flood Protection

    Bulgaria workshop report - Financing Water Supply, Sanitation and Flood Protection

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  • 7-April-2020


    The water challenge

    The Sustainable Development Goals highlight the importance that the global community places on water and there is increasing demand for innovative and effective approaches to water management. The OECD provides policy guidance on water to OECD members and non-OECD countries, covering a wide range of issues. Find our more on the OECD work on water.

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  • 7-avril-2020


    Tendances de l'innovation technologique dans le domaine de l'eau: enseignements tirés des données sur les brevets - Document de travail

    L'innovation a un rôle à jouer pour atténuer les risques liés à l'eau et soutenir la fourniture de services d'eau dont dépendent notre bien-être et notre développement durable. Ce document utilise des données sur les brevets pour documenter les tendances de l'invention de technologies pour promouvoir la sécurité de l'eau depuis 1990, en se concentrant sur les pays dans lesquels les inventions sont développées.

    Documents connexes
  • 13-March-2020


    Managing the biodiversity impacts of fertiliser and pesticide use - Trends and policies across selected OECD countries - Environment Working Paper

    This paper reviews the impacts and costs of pesticide and fertiliser pollution as well as the policy responses to counter these in selected OECD countries. More specifically, the paper begins with an overview of the main biodiversity and health impacts of excess pesticide and fertiliser. In economic terms, nitrogen pollution, for example, has been estimated to cost the European Union between EUR 70 billion and EUR 320 billion per year.

  • 19-décembre-2019


    Hausse du niveau des mers - Les approches des pays de l'OCDE face aux risques côtiers

    L’adaptation des zones côtières aux impacts du changement climatique est désormais une urgence. La hausse du niveau des mers et des pressions immobilières va certainement y accroître les risques, selon les prévisions. En quoi les processus nationaux de planification de l’adaptation des pays de l’OCDE peuvent-ils nous aider à répondre à ce défi ? C’est la question à laquelle répond cet ouvrage. Il expose clairement les diverses conceptions du partage des coûts et des responsabilités en matière de gestion des risques côtiers. Il examine ensuite si celles-ci encouragent ou dissuadent les ménages, les entreprises et les différents niveaux de gouvernement d’adopter des comportements qui réduisent les risques. Cet ouvrage décrit les instruments d’action que les autorités nationales peuvent employer pour favoriser une réaction efficiente, efficace et équitable face aux changements qui affectent le littoral. Il s’appuie sur de nouvelles analyses des coûts futurs de la hausse du niveau des mers et sur les principaux résultats de quatre études de cas (Allemagne, Canada, Nouvelle-Zélande et Royaume Uni).
  • 6-December-2019


    Biodiversity: Finance and the Economic and Business Case for Action

    The Convention on Biological Diversity’s 15th Conference of the Parties (CBD COP15) in 2020 marks a critical juncture for one of the defining global challenges of our time: the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services, which underpin nearly all of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Transformative changes are needed to ensure biodiversity conservation and sustainable use and the delivery of the ecosystem services upon which all life depends. This report sets the economic and business case for urgent and ambitious action on biodiversity. It presents a preliminary assessment of current biodiversity-related finance flows, and discusses the key data and indicator gaps that need to be addressed to underpin effective monitoring of both the pressures on biodiversity and the actions (i.e. responses) being implemented. The report concludes with ten priority areas where G7 and other countries can prioritise their efforts.
  • 13-November-2019


    Pharmaceutical Residues in Freshwater - Hazards and Policy Responses

    This report calls for a better understanding of the effects of pharmaceutical residues in the environment, greater international collaboration and accountability distribution, and policy actions to prevent and remedy emerging concerns. Laboratory and field tests show traces of oral contraceptives causing the feminisation of fish and amphibians, and residues of psychiatric drugs altering fish behaviour. Antimicrobial resistance, linked to the overuse of antibiotics, has rapidly escalated into a global health crisis. Unless adequate measures are taken to manage the risks, pharmaceutical residues will increasingly be released into the environment as ageing populations, advances in healthcare, and intensification of meat and fish production spur the demand for pharmaceuticals worldwide. The report outlines a collective, life-cycle approach to managing pharmaceuticals in the environment. A policy mix of source-directed, use-orientated and end-of-pipe measures, involving several policy sectors, can help to improve health and protect the environment.
  • 26-August-2019


    Making Blended Finance Work for Water and Sanitation - Unlocking Commercial Finance for SDG 6

    Investments in water and sanitation are a prerequisite to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular on SDG 6 ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Blended finance can play an important role in strategically investing development finance to mobilise additional commercial finance needed to fill the current investment gaps. Thus far, however, blended finance has not reached scale in the water and sanitation sector. A greater evidence base is needed to better understand the current applications as well as the potential of blended models in the water and sanitation sector. This publication takes a commercial investment perspective and provides insights into three subsectors: (1) water and sanitation utilities, (2) small-scale off-grid sanitation and (3) multi-purpose water infrastructure and landscape-based approaches. The publication draws out recommendations for policy makers and practitioners to apply and scale innovative blended finance approaches where most appropriate.
  • 25-août-2019


    Action de l'OCDE sur l'eau

    Les objectifs de développement durable soulignent l’importance que la communauté mondiale accorde à l’eau. Il existe une demande croissante d'approches innovantes et efficaces en matière de gestion de l'eau. Découvrez comment l'OCDE fournit des orientations aux pays membres et non membres de l'OCDE.

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    Also AvailableEgalement disponible(s)
  • 25-August-2019


    OECD at Stockholm World Water Week 2019

    The OECD actively participated in this event on the theme “Water for society – Including all” from 25-29 August through a series of events and by taking part in a number of workshops and seminars. Read more on the programme.

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