
Environnement dans les économies émergentes et en transition

Water Reforms and National Policy Dialogues (NPDs) in Belarus



Year of NPD launch:  2018

Present NPD Chair(s) and strategic partners in the government: Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection of the Republic of Belarus

Source of NPD funding: European Union, Government of Germany, Government of Switzerland

Summary of the main areas of work and achievements.

Priority areas of work and main activities

  • Implementation of Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) principles in line with the EU legislation.
  • Ratification and implementation of the UNECE-WHO/Europe Protocol on Water and Health.
  • Strengthening transboundary water cooperation with Latvia and Lithuania.
  • Development and implementation of river basin management plans based on the principles of the EU Water Framework Directive.
  • Implementing of SDG indicators 6.3-6.5.
  • Reform of economic instruments for managing water resources and infrastructure.


National Policy Dialogues (NPDs)

The process of National Policy Dialogue in the Republic of Belarus under EUWI+ was initiated in December 2018 with the organisation of the first National Interagency Steering Committee of the EUWI+. Key achievements of the on-going work under EUWI+ include:

  • Draft National Strategy for Water Resources Management in the context of climate change for the period until 2030 was prepared.
  • Draft management plan for the Dnieper river basin was finalised.
  • Agreement on joint work between Belarus and Lithuania on the basin management plan for the Neman river was concluded.


The following meetings took place to assist Belarus in establishing the NPD process:

Name of the meeting Date and Place LoP Agenda Minutes
2nd NPD Steering Committee 05 December 2019, Minsk LoP Agenda Minutes
1st NPD Steering Committee 05 December 2018, Minsk LoP  Agenda  Minutes


 Project Highlights



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