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  • 25-September-2019


    Promoting Clean Urban Public Transportation and Green Investment in Moldova

    This report discusses the main results of a project on how an influx of funds could spur development of cleaner public transport, and reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in large urban centres in Moldova, by providing an analysis for designing a green public investment programme in this sector. This sector represents an opportunity for Moldova to address key objectives in its environmental and climate-related policies as part of the country’s ambitions to transition to a green economic path of development. The investment programme is also designed to support the modernisation of the urban transport fleet in the country and stimulate the domestic market to shift to modern buses powered by clean fuels. The programme is foreseen to be implemented in two phases: the first covers the cities of Chisinau and Balti and the second extends to areas outside of the initial pilot city centres (pilot city suburbs as well as inter-city transport). These investments are expected to result in significant environmental, public service and socio-economic benefits.
  • 23-September-2019


    Waste Management and the Circular Economy in Selected OECD Countries - Evidence from Environmental Performance Reviews

    This report provides a cross-country review of waste, materials management and circular economy policies in selected OECD countries, drawing on OECD’s Environmental Performance Reviews during the period 2010-17. It presents the main achievements in the countries reviewed, along with common trends and policy challenges, and provides insights into the effectiveness and efficiency of waste, materials management and circular economy policy frameworks. As the selected reviews were published over a seven-year period, information for some countries may be more recent than for others. Nevertheless, the policy recommendations emerging from the reviews may provide useful lessons for other OECD countries and partner economies.
  • 21-September-2019


    OECD at UN Climate Action Summit

    The OECD will be actively participating in the UN Climate Action Summit on the theme "A Race We Can Win. A Race We Must Win" through an official high-level side event and by taking part in a number of workshops, seminars and other events throughout the summit, and NYC Climate Week during 23-29 September 2019.

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  • 17-September-2019


    Financing climate objectives in cities and regions to deliver sustainable and inclusive growth - Environment Policy Paper

    This paper focuses on how national and sub-national governments can align subnational financial flows to transition towards low-carbon, resilient and inclusive cities. The paper is a contribution from the OECD Champion Mayors for Inclusive Growth initiative and to the OECD Programme on Subnational Finance and Investment.

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  • 5-September-2019


    Blockchain technologies as a digital enabler for sustainable infrastructure - Environment Policy Paper

    Embracing new technologies that could enable drastic reductions in GHG emissions will be key to delivering low-emissions pathways for growth, but it is not always obvious what the big breakthroughs will look like. This report looks at how blockchain technology can be applied to support sustainable infrastructure investment that is aligned with climate change objectives.

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  • 26-August-2019


    Making Blended Finance Work for Water and Sanitation - Unlocking Commercial Finance for SDG 6

    Investments in water and sanitation are a prerequisite to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular on SDG 6 ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Blended finance can play an important role in strategically investing development finance to mobilise additional commercial finance needed to fill the current investment gaps. Thus far, however, blended finance has not reached scale in the water and sanitation sector. A greater evidence base is needed to better understand the current applications as well as the potential of blended models in the water and sanitation sector. This publication takes a commercial investment perspective and provides insights into three subsectors: (1) water and sanitation utilities, (2) small-scale off-grid sanitation and (3) multi-purpose water infrastructure and landscape-based approaches. The publication draws out recommendations for policy makers and practitioners to apply and scale innovative blended finance approaches where most appropriate.
  • 25-August-2019


    OECD at Stockholm World Water Week 2019

    The OECD actively participated in this event on the theme “Water for society – Including all” from 25-29 August through a series of events and by taking part in a number of workshops and seminars. Read more on the programme.

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  • 16-August-2019


    Flexibility mechanisms in environmental regulations: Their use and impacts - Environment Working Paper

    Based on an in-depth literature review and responses to a survey among OECD member countries, this paper discusses the use of flexibility mechanisms in environmental regulations. The literature on these issues is limited, but it is clear that some such mechanisms can have important environmental and economic impacts.

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  • 12-August-2019


    Are environmental tax policies beneficial? Learning from programme evaluation studies - Environment Working Paper

    This paper provides a concrete example of how policy analysts can use empirical programme evaluation studies to perform ex-post assessments of environmentally related tax policies. A number of studies credibly identify causal effects of environmentally related tax policies, but do not necessarily provide all the information needed to fully inform the policy-making process.

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  • 31-juillet-2019


    Analyse coûts-avantages et environnement - Avancées théoriques et utilisation par les pouvoirs publics

    La présente publication examine les avancées récentes de l’analyse coûts-avantages (ACA) environnementale. Celle-ci correspond à l’application de l’ACA aux projets ou aux politiques qui visent explicitement à améliorer la qualité de l’environnement ou qui ont, d’une manière ou d’une autre, un effet indirect sur les milieux naturels. Cette publication s’appuie sur l’ouvrage précédent de l’OCDE rédigé par David Pearce et al. (2006), qui partait du constat que la conjonction d’un certain nombre d’avancées de l’ACA modifiait la manière dont bien des économistes recommanderaient de mettre en œuvre cet instrument, surtout dans le contexte de projets ou de politiques ayant des impacts environnementaux considérables.Cette publication n’a pas seulement pour principal objectif d’évaluer les progrès accomplis : elle cherche également à déterminer en quoi certaines évolutions illustrent des questions thématiques centrales ayant des conséquences pour l’application concrète de l’ACA environnementale dans le cadre de l’élaboration des politiques et de l’évaluation des projets d’investissement.Le thème sans doute le plus important a trait à la contribution de l’économie du climat face au défi que constitue l’évaluation des mesures publiques visant à atténuer le changement climatique (ou à s’y adapter). Les travaux dans ce domaine ont accru l’intérêt porté au mode d’évaluation des coûts et des avantages à très long terme et ils ont notamment montré à quel point les procédures classiques de détermination du taux d’actualisation social deviennent problématiques dans un contexte intergénérationnel et quelles pourraient être les nouvelles approches requises. La contribution de l’économie du climat a également suscité une réflexion plus poussée sur l’incertitude dans le cadre de l’ACA, en particulier en présence d’effets incertains qui peuvent avoir des impacts (négatifs) de grande ampleur.
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