
Latest Documents

  • 21-July-2022


    Production Transformation Policy Review of Shenzhen, China - A Journey of Continuous Learning

    Shenzhen is a stellar case of growth and economic transformation. Since its establishment as one of China’s first four Special Economic Zones in 1980, it has evolved at breakneck speed. Shenzhen transformed from a fishing village to a major world trade hub and is now home to global innovators in electronics. The Production Transformation Policy Review (PTPR) of Shenzhen, China reviews the city’s changing policy approaches, focusing on the shift from an assembly to a manufacturing centre and more recently to an innovation and start-up hub. Through a comprehensive assessment of Shenzhen’s experience, this review offers insights into the range of policies and strategies employed to stimulate industrial upgrading and learning in China. It provides lessons and actionable policy recommendations for the growth of cities and emerging economies in their catching-up journey. The PTPR of Shenzhen, China has been carried out in the framework of the OECD Initiative for Policy Dialogue on Global Value Chains, Production Transformation and Development and has benefitted from government-business dialogues and international peer learning (University of Seoul, Korea; University of Georgetown, USA and Digital India Foundation, India).
  • 11-July-2022


    Thematic Dialogue on Commodity Trading Transparency

    The Thematic Dialogue has developed five complementary and mutually supportive tools that home countries, trading companies and producing countries, including state-owned enterprises, can use to reduce drivers of corruption and articulate complementary interventions in both producing countries and trading hubs.

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  • 11-July-2022


    Domestic resource mobilisation

    The complex and specific corruption challenges related to the extraction and trade of natural resources and the management of its associated revenue flows are a source of growing concern across developing, emerging and developed countries.

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  • 11-July-2022


    Getting better deals

    The tools on Getting Better Deals provide resource-rich developing countries with guidance to negotiate a fair deal that reflects the legitimate interests of governments, investors, and communities, and that generates positive development outcomes for the country throughout the project life-cycle and across a range of outcomes and market conditions.

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  • 11-July-2022


    Revenue management and spending

    Two principal concerns underlie the challenge of transforming natural finite assets into human, social and physical capital: managing the counter-cyclical nature of resource revenue flows to ensure that there is a consistent level of resources available for spending; and ensuring productive gains from the funds that are spent, in-line with the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda.

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  • 5-July-2022


    Shared Value Creation

    Collaboration between governments, the private sector, local communities and civil society organisations is crucial in order to leverage the extractives sector to catalyse long-term, competitive, diversified and, sustainable development.

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  • 5-July-2022


    Low-carbon, just transition

    The OECD Development Centre is assisting fossil-based and mineral-rich developing and emerging economies transition to a low-carbon future, through realistic, inclusive and just transition pathways to manage uncertainties and increased vulnerability, build resilience to external shocks, and embrace the challenge of making unprecedented structural changes.

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  • 1-July-2022


    Social protection for the forcibly displaced in low- and middle-income countries - A pathway for inclusion

    This paper provides the first overview of efforts by low- and middle-income countries to extend the coverage of national social protection systems to the forcibly displaced persons they host. It presents a baseline of de jure (legal) and estimated de facto (actual) coverage in 12 countries; analyses the conditions enabling access to social protection by the forcibly displaced; draws lessons from Iraq, Sudan and Uganda in terms of challenges and successes; and offers guidance to major stakeholders on extending social protection initiatives to forcibly displaced persons.
  • 30-juin-2022


    Institutions sociales et égalité femmes-hommes en Côte d’Ivoire - Rapport pays SIGI

    Le rapport Institutions sociales et égalité femmes-hommes en Côte d’Ivoire analyse la manière dont les institutions sociales discriminatoires sont au cœur des inégalités entre les Ivoiriennes et les Ivoiriens, notamment en matière d’éducation et d’autonomisation économique. Il exploite de nouvelles données, à la fois quantitatives et qualitatives, portant sur les normes et les pratiques sociales. Ces données sont statistiquement représentatives au niveau du pays et des districts ivoiriens ; elles ont été collectées sur la base d’une méthode rigoureuse et d’une approche participative ayant réuni un large éventail de partenaires nationaux et internationaux. Le rapport souligne l’urgence de s’attaquer aux normes sociales discriminatoires afin de renforcer les droits, le bien-être, l’autonomisation économique et la capacité d’agir des femmes et des filles ivoiriennes. En lien avec les engagements de la Côte d’Ivoire en vue d’atteindre l’Objectif de développement durable n°5 portant sur l’égalité entre les sexes, le rapport propose des recommandations de politiques publiques pour combattre les discriminations faites aux femmes et aux filles, transformer les normes sociales et promouvoir l’autonomisation des femmes. Ces objectifs sont des conditions sine qua non pour construire une société véritablement inclusive et bénéficier d’une croissance économique forte et durable.
  • 2-June-2022

    English, PDF, 5,554kb

    Business Insights Emerging Markets 2022

    The 2022 edition of Business Insights on Emerging Markets provides a private sector perspective on investment opportunities and challenges in Asia, Latin America and Africa.

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