
Investissement pour le développement

IMTA-OECD Expert Meeting for a beneficial private sector participation in the water and sanitation sector, lessons learnt from Latin American country experiences


4-5 September 2008, Mexico

The OECD and Mexican Institute of Water Technology held a joint Expert Meeting entitled “For a beneficial private sector participation in the water and sanitation sector, lessons learnt from Latin American country experiences” in Mexico on 4-5 September 2008. The expert meeting aimed to advance the debate on private sector participation in the water and sanitation sector by providing a forum to discuss and better define the key elements of beneficial partnerships. Following the NEPAD/OECD Investment Initiative roundtable in Lusaka in November 2007 and the ADB/OECD expert meeting in Manila in March 2008, the IMTA/OECD expert meeting provided a third opportunity to discuss the draft OECD guidance on private sector participation in the water and sanitation sector, building on the experience of Latin American countries.

Discussions focused on recent experiences and trends in selected Latin American countries, the conducive institutional and regulatory framework, the respective roles and responsibilities of partners, their contributions in financing the sector and the conditions for improved transparency and accountability. Participants also provided specific comments on the OECD work.




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