

  • 9-April-2021


    Report on China’s shipbuilding industry and policies affecting it

    This report analyses the structural characteristics of China’s shipbuilding industry, notably through comparison of other major shipbuilding economies. Building upon previous reports drafted in 2008 and 2011, it aims to analyse China’s shipbuilding sector from a holistic and multidisciplinary perspective (e.g. the interconnection between trade, competition, monetary, financial, fiscal and industrial policies), with a particular emphasis on government support measures. Key findings from these analyses suggest that: 1) China’s shipbuilding industry has been labelled as a strategic industry, which may equally explain China’s intention to move up the shipbuilding value chain, 2) State-owned conglomerates hold a lot of influence in China’s shipbuilding industry, 3) Government support to the Chinese shipbuilding industry is alleged to have contributed to global excess capacity.
  • 24-June-2020


    OECD Blockchain Webinar Series

    24 June 2020 - This webinar covered China’s proposed Central Bank Digital Currency (DC/EP), its new Blockchain-based Service Network (BSN), some of the interesting commercial applications being developed, from insurance to supply chains, as well as the role the government is playing in fostering blockchain innovation, as well as the policy and regulatory environment.

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  • 11-octobre-2017


    Gouvernance d’entreprise et performance des entreprises en Chine

    La gouvernance d’entreprise est l’une des principales priorités de la Chine au cours de la période de « nouvelle normalité », durant laquelle les rendements sur investissement fléchissent.

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  • 19-March-2016


    Policies for Sound and Effective Investment in China

    Since the start of the economic reform process in the 70s China has been able to generate a large volume of investment, both from domestic and foreign sources. This high volume of investment was instrumental in sustaining strong economic growth and related improvements in living standards. However, this growth model is not longer sustainable. Returns on investment have fallen, excessive capacity is plaguing several sectors and the negative externalities have been very onerous, notably in terms of environmental degradation and rising income inequality. A key objective of the Chinese government is therefore to move the economy towards a more balanced, sustainable and inclusive growth path as envisaged by the 13th Five-Year Plan. In this adjustment process, the country is seeking new approaches for smarter, greener and more productive investment. This will require mutually reinforcing reforms to improve investment planning, rebalance the role of government and market forces, mainstream responsible business conduct and encourage greater private investment, especially in green infrastructure. China’s growing role as an outward investor may act as catalyser for the required reforms at home, as Chinese private and state-owned enterprises have to adopt internationally recognised practices and standards .
  • 27-mai-2015


    Un état des lieux du secteur des services en Chine

    La part du secteur tertiaire dans la valeur ajoutée de la Chine n’a cessé de croître pour dépasser celle du secteur secondaire, en 2013. Compte tenu de l’augmentation des revenus, la part des services devrait continuer de progresser car plus le revenu est élevé, plus les dépenses consacrées aux services augmentent.

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  • 17-décembre-2010


    Règlementation du marché des produits et concurrence en Chine

    L’étendue de la concurrence sur le marché des produits est un déterminant important de la croissance économique dans les pays développés et en développement.

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  • 19-mars-2010


    Croissance de long terme et défis de politique économique dans les grandes économies émergentes.

    Le présent document identifie les principaux enjeux de politique structurelle auxquels les BIICS vont être confrontés dans les années à venir.

  • 14-February-2019


    State-owned firms behind China’s corporate debt

    While China’s overall debt-to-GDP ratio is not particularly high, its non-financial corporate debt relative to GDP is higher than in other major economies.

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