
In focus

Upcoming events

22-23 May 2024, San José, Costa Rica  |  Meetings of the LAC Regional Network, Advisory Board and Technical Committee of the OECD/INFE

24 May 2024, San José, Costa Rica  |  OECD-Conassif Symposium on Financial Literacy: Supporting Financial Consumers in Navigating Risks


See all events

Past events

17 November 2023, Rome, Italy  |  

25 October 2023, Online  |  Launch of the Global Money Week 2023 Annual Report

2 October 2023, Brussels, Belgium  |  Launch of the joint EU/OECD-INFE Financial Competence Framework for Children and Youth in the European Union

27-28 June 2023, Mauritius | RCE-OECD Workshop on financial inclusion: Trends, developments and policy tools

Global partnership events

European Union


Latin America and the Caribbean


South East Europe