
  • 28-November-2008

    English, , 3,525kb

    Viet Nam: Second Provincial Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Project

    In August 1995, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved pro technical assistance to the Government of Viet Nam for the formulation of the S Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Project.

  • 24-October-2008

    English, , 1,124kb

    Mongolia: Urban Development Sector

    The objective of this rapid sector assessment (RSA) (the evaluation) is to provide an independent assessment of ADB’s assistance to the Mongolian urban development sector and to identify areas for further improving the effectiveness of its interventions.

  • 23-October-2008

    English, , 2,199kb

    Support to Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in Dhamar and Hodeidah Governates, Republic of Yemen

    The purpose of the support to water supply and sanitary facilities goes beyond sustainable access: it is intended to reduce the burden of water collection (typically a task of women and girls); improve health; raise school enrolment and attendance; improve livelihoods and ultimately reduce pover

  • 24-September-2008

    English, , 797kb

    ADB Assistance to Water Supply Services in Metro Manila

    The objectives of this special evaluation study (SES) are to assess the performance of ADB assistance to the Government for improving water supply services in Metro Manila and to draw lessons for future partnership operations.

  • 24-July-2008

    French, , 831kb

    Projet d’assainissement collectif de la ville de Ouagadougou Office national d’eau et d’assainissement – ONEA – Burkina Faso

    Ce projet s’inscrit dans la continuité des interventions de l’AFD en faveur de l’ONEA, particulièrement du projet d’alimentation en eau potable de Ouagadougou par le barrage de ZIGA qui induit un volume beaucoup plus important d’eau usée à traiter.

  • 2-July-2008

    English, , 309kb

    Best Practices in Irrigation and Drainage: Learning from Successful Projects

    A Case Study from the 2006 Annual Evaluation Review In 2004, the Asian Development Bank updated the sector and thematic classification and identified irrigation and drainage (ID) as one of the subsectors under the agriculture and natural resources sector.

  • 25-June-2008

    English, , 523kb

    Programme d’assainissement liquide d’Agadir Régie autonome multiservices d’Agadir (Ramsa – Maroc)

    Depuis une quarantaine d’années, la politique menée par le gouvernement dans le secteur de l’eau a permis d’améliorer d’une manière remarquable la maîtrise de la ressource en eau et d’augmenter le taux d’accès à l’eau potable de la population.

  • 3-May-2008

    English, , 482kb

    Morocco Water Resources Program Evaluation

    Japan has implemented cooperation for various water-related development issues in Morocco. The evaluation study examined the importance of the program in government policies, as well as examining its strategy and outputs.

  • 31-December-2007

    French, , 1,072kb

    La filière assainissement

    Sans assainissement de base, les bienfaits de l’accès à l’eau salubre sont réduits; les inégalités associées à un déficit en assainissement sapent systématiquement les progrès dans les domaines de l’éducation, de la réduction de la pauvreté et de la création de richesse

  • 12-November-2007

    English, , 1,233kb

    2007/5 Evaluation of Danish Support to Water Supply and Sanitation 1999-2005

    This evaluation assesses the performance of bilateral Danish water supply and sanitation (WSS) interventions during the period 1999-2005. The 7 countries with Danida WSS sector support programmes at the time were visited: Bangladesh, Benin, Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ghana, Uganda and Vietnam.

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