
  • 15-October-2015

    English, PDF, 3,367kb

    Work in Progress – Evaluation of the ORET Programme : Investing in Public Infrastructure in Developing Countries

    The Development Related Export Transactions program (ORET) is a subsidy facility. It has addressed important obstacles for development by co-financing the construction and rehabilitation of public infrastructure in developing countries. ORET has evolved from a programme of mere delivery of capital goods to a programme offering comprehensive infrastructure service packages that were also financially attractive for recipient governments.

  • 12-August-2014

    French, PDF, 2,071kb

    Notre aide au développement est-elle verte? Evaluation thématique de la coopération belge en matière d’environnement

    Cette évaluation couvre l'APD belge sur 2002-2012, période du premier papier sur la stratégie environnementale. L'évaluation conclut que la prise en compte de l’environnement par les services de développement de la coopération belge donne des résultats positifs, mais non quantifiables. La pression sur l'environnement des activités de coopération a été réduite et les conditions d'une gestion durable de l'environnement ont été améliorées.

  • 12-August-2014

    English, PDF, 1,922kb

    How green is our development assistance? Thematic evaluation of the Belgian cooperation in the field of environment

    This evaluation covers Belgian ODA over the 2002-2012 first environment strategy paper period. The evaluation concludes that the environmental consideration of the Belgian Development Cooperation is giving positive but unquantifiable results. Pressure on the environment of cooperation activities has been reduced and the conditions for sustainable environmental management have been improved.

  • 28-June-2013

    English, PDF, 1,834kb

    Environmental Mainstreaming, Safeguards and Results: Bank Road Projects and their Enabling Policy Environment, 1999-2010

    This evaluation assesses the extent to which the Bank’s efforts to mainstream environmental issues into the road infrastructure projects it finances have been relevant, efficient, and effective. It also assesses how far such measures have been taken up by RMCs and reviews the sustainability of the outcomes of the Bank’s assistance.

  • 17-April-2012

    English, , 1,548kb

    The Asian Development Bank’s Support for the Transport Sector in Sri Lanka

    ADB’s assistance to the transport sector in Sri Lanka is rated as relevant. It supported the government’s primary objective of promoting economic growth and has also been consistent with ADB’s country and sector strategies.

  • 27-October-2011

    English, , 2,763kb

    Transport Sector in the Pacific Developing Member Countries (1995-2010)

    The evaluation focuses on the roads, maritime, and civil aviation subsectors, and emergency assistance related, covering 96% transport portfolio in the Pacific. It also discusses the extent of and potential for regional cooperation in the Pacific transport sector.

  • 1-December-2010

    English, , 665kb

    Uzbekistan: Railway Rehabilitation Project and Railway Modernization Project

    This report presents the findings of an evaluation of the Railway Rehabilitation Project and the Railway Modernization Project in Uzbekistan.

  • 3-September-2010

    English, , 701kb

    Sector Assistance Program Evaluation form the Transport Sector in the Lao People's Democratic Republic

    The Asian Development bank has made substantial contributions to building transport infrastructure in the Lao People's Democratic Republic.

  • 5-August-2010

    English, , 499kb

    Kyrgyz Republic: Road Rehabilitation Project, Second Road Rehabilitation Project, and Third Road Rehabilitation Project

    After the break-up of the former Soviet Union, the Kyrgyz Republic struggled with a depletion of financial resources, the disintegration of institutions, the weakening of economic activity and trade relationships,and the deterioration that lay ahead.

  • 14-May-2010

    English, , 2,465kb

    Impact Evaluation of Danida Support to Rural Transport Infrastructure in Nicaragua

    Danida has been supporting the transport sector in Nicaragua since the 1980’s. At first, support was focused on providing project assistance to the rehabilitation and reconstruction of rural transport infrastructure in the North and South Atlantic Autonomous Regions (RAAN and RAAS).

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