
  • 24-May-2004

    English, Excel, 987kb

    Evaluation of Trade-Related Assistance by the EC in Third Countries Vol 1

    The aim of the evaluation is to help the Commission improve its strategies for assisting partner countries in engaging in international trade and maximise the benefits in terms of sustainable growth and poverty reduction. The evaluation was requested by the Commission Services and endorsed by the Board of EuropeAid in November 2001. It was launched in December 2002. Three objectives were assigned: (i) To identify key lessons from

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  • 1-January-2004

    English, , 97kb

    Evaluation summary - Export promotion in India - Indo-German Export Promotion Project (IGEP)

    Summary The aim of the Indo-German Export Promotion Project (IGEP) is to increase the export revenue of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in India by making them more effective in areas relevant to competition. In addition, the project is designed to help improve the general business climate and to have a positive impact on the framework conditions for exporting industrial goods. In the promotion period to date, project

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