
  • 20-February-2014

    Spanish, PDF, 2,571kb

    Evaluación conjunta del fondo español para la OEA 2006-2011

    Esta evaluación tiene por objeto: Identificar y medir los resultados a los que ha contribuido el Fondo Español para la Organización de los Estados Americanos; analizar críticamente su funcionamiento, prestando especial atención a la formulación, diseño, implementación y gestión de las programaciones anuales y valorar globalmente el Fondo como instrumento de cooperación entre España y la Organización de los Estados Americanos.

  • 3-February-2014

    Spanish, PDF, 1,180kb

    En busca de nuevas relaciones - Evaluación de la política exterior de los Países Bajos en América Latina

    Esta evaluación presenta un balance de la evolución de las políticas de los Países Bajos con respecto a América Latina durante los últimos diez años. En estas políticas se presentaron muchos cambios, lo que resultó en que se prestara mucha atención a la diplomacia económica.

  • 5-September-2013

    English, PDF, 588kb

    A Framework for Analyzing Participation in Development

    One way to improve and strengthen aid, according to a number of international aid agencies, is to support recipient governments to ‘take ownership’ of aid activities. In arguing for a stronger ownership of development and aid processes, the focus has primarily been on recipient governments rather than the local populations in villages, towns and cities that are the ultimate target group and end users of most development aid.

  • 2-July-2013

    English, PDF, 2,859kb

    Thematic Evaluation of Rule of Law, Judicial Reform and Fight against Corruption and Organised Crime in the Western Balkans - Lot 3

    This report presents the results from Lot 3 of the “Thematic Evaluation of Rule of Law, Judicial Reform and Fight against Corruption and Organised Crime in the Western Balkans”. The Overarching Objective is to provide operational recommendations for future IPA programming (“IPA II” covering the period 2014-2020) based on the findings from results in the region and other relevant experiences.

  • 1-July-2013

    English, PDF, 2,854kb

    Fostering Regional Integration in Africa: An Evaluation of the Bank’s Multinational Operations, 2000-2010

    Financing multinational operations became one of the top priorities of Bank policies and strategies in 1998. OPEV’s evaluation of the Bank’s multinational operations finds that the Bank has developed an increasingly coherent strategic and operational framework to guide its assistance towards regional integration in Africa. Over the last decade, multinational operations grew significantly, from 6% in 2000 to over 15% in 2010.

  • 3-June-2013

    English, PDF, 4,980kb

    Evaluation of the European Union’s Support to two European Neighbourhood Policy Regions (East and South)Volume 3 - Annexes 11-14

    This evaluation assesses the Commission of the European Union’s regional cooperation with the two European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) Regions (East and South)” over the period 2004-2010. It aims at providing an overall independent assessment of the regional cooperation strategy and support in the two regions through regional programmes and to draw out key lessons to help improve current and future Commission strategies and programmes.

    Related Documents
  • 3-June-2013

    English, PDF, 9,873kb

    Evaluation of the European Union’s Support to two European Neighbourhood Policy Regions (East and South)Volume 2: Annexes 1-10

    This evaluation assesses the Commission of the European Union’s regional cooperation with the two European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) Regions (East and South)” over the period 2004-2010. It aims at providing an overall independent assessment of the regional cooperation strategy and support in the two regions through regional programmes and to draw out key lessons to help improve current and future Commission strategies and programmes.

    Related Documents
  • 3-June-2013

    English, PDF, 2,637kb

    Evaluation of the European Union’s Support to two European Neighbourhood Policy Regions (East and South) Volume 1

    This evaluation assesses the Commission of the European Union’s regional cooperation with the two European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) Regions (East and South)” over the period 2004-2010. It aims at providing an overall independent assessment of the regional cooperation strategy and support in the two regions through regional programmes and to draw out key lessons to help improve current and future Commission strategies and programmes.

    Related Documents
  • 1-April-2013

    English, PDF, 5,731kb

    A Quarterly Knowledge Publication of the Operations Evaluation Department of the African Development Bank Group.

    This issue of eVALUation Matters brings you voices from AfDB regional member countries (RMC). The quality of the essays submitted for the contest launched to celebrate 25 years of evaluation at the AfDB demonstrates the wealth of RMC skills in policy and development program evaluation

  • 31-March-2013

    English, PDF, 1,960kb

    The Netherlands and the European Development Fund – Principles and Practices: Evaluation of Dutch involvement in EU development cooperation (1998-2012)

    This evaluation presents the findings of the policy evaluation of the Dutch involvement in European Development Cooperation with a focus on the European Development Fund and the Cotonou Agreement. Some of its main conclusions show that there is a growing convergence between EU aid policies and the key principles of Dutch aid and that the Dutch view on complementarity and added value of EU aid has changed quite frequently.

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