
  • 18-July-2011

    English, , 1,653kb

    Independent Evaluation of Switzerland's Economic Cooperation in the Private Sector

    This meta evaluation reviews the role and effectiveness of SECO interventions and assesses 19 SECO financed projects of the past ten years and provides an overview of how SECO interventions in the partner countries have contributed to an improvement of frame conditions for the private sector.

  • 18-July-2011

    English, , 2,664kb

    Independent Evaluation of Switzerland's Economic Cooperation in the Financial Sector

    This independent evaluation reviews a portfolio of ~14 projects supported by SECO since the mid-nineties. The report provides an overview of how SECO interventions in the partner countries have contributed to financial sector stability as well as sustained economic development.

  • 3-May-2010

    English, , 1,797kb

    Poverty Reduction Support Credits: An Evaluation of World Bank Support

    The goal of Poverty Reduction Support Credits (PRSCs), introduced in early 2001 under World Bank Interim Guidelines, was to help countries implement comprehensive, country-owned development strategies to promote growth, improve social conditions, and reduce poverty.

  • 2-November-2009

    English, , 1,811kb

    Evaluation of Norwegian Business-related Assistance - Sri Lanka Case Study

    This is the first country report as part of a broad evaluation of Norwegian business related development aid, an evaluation commissioned by the Evaluation Department of Norad.

  • 2-October-2009

    English, , 557kb

    Synthesis of Evaluations on Support to Business Development

    The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of evaluation findings, studies and research on performance, lessons learned and evidence for effective development cooperation.

  • 6-September-2009

    English, Excel, 2,139kb

    Evaluation of Danish Support for Financial Services in Tanzania

    The evaluation covers Danish support to the financial sector in Tanzania from 2003 to 2008. The overall objectives of the evaluation are to assess the outcomes achieved from the Danish support to financial services in Tanzania during that period.

  • 14-June-2009

    French, , 1,590kb

    Évaluation rétrospective du Programme pour le renforcement des capacités commerciales (PRCC)

    Le PRCC est un programme d'aide au commerce lancé par la DG Trésor et l'AFD en 2002. Il vise à améliorer les échanges commerciaux et les exportations des pays en développement (PED) par le renforcement des capacités commerciales de leurs agents économiques.

  • 11-May-2009

    English, Excel, 1,627kb

    Evaluation of the Instruments of Business Partnership Programmes

    This report is a summary of an evaluation of the Business/Development Partnership (WiPa) Program conducted between March and December 2008 by the Global Public Policy Institute.

  • 14-April-2009

    English, , 7,442kb

    Ex-post Evaluation of Two Rural Finance and Employment Programmes in India

    This ex-post evaluation provides an independent assessment of the effects of two SDC programmes in India, that aimed at the improvement of income opportunities for the poor through viable enterprises.

  • 16-December-2008

    English, PDF, 271kb

    Evaluation of Swedfund International: An analysis of private sector development impacts

    By studying inter-nal investment documents, by interviewing Swedfund staff and with the help of a questionnaire to Swedfund’s portfolio companies in developing countries, this evaluation tries to assess to what extent Swedfund have fulfilled the goals laid down for the organisation.

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