
  • 26-November-2007

    English, , 541kb

    Peer Review Evaluation Function at the World Food Programme (WFP)

    The present report is the result of the third professional peer review of the evaluation function at a multilateral development or humanitarian organisation. It was carried out at the request by WFP to the DAC Network on Evaluation and the UN Evaluation Group (UNEG).

  • 17-October-2007

    English, , 342kb

  • 5-January-2007

    English, , 269kb

    Evaluation guidelines: Between past and future

    The purpose of these Evaluation Guidelines is to provide user groups with basic information and knowledge on the evaluation process and how to manage it, and what to do with the evaluation results.

  • 11-February-2005

    French, , 2,470kb

    Programme 2001-2003 d’Avocats sans Frontières en Afrique Centrale

    Ce rapport d’évaluation porte sur le programme 2001-2003 d’Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF) en Afrique Centrale, financé par le Service Public Fédéral Affaires Etrangères, Commerce Extérieur et Coopération au Développement de la Belgique.

  • 15-May-2003

    French, Excel, 898kb

    Examen de la politique de coopération au développement du Luxembourg

    La présente publication contient les principales conclusions et recommandations approuvées par le Comité d'aide au développement à l’issue de son examen sur la politique du Luxembourg en matière de coopération pour le développement.

  • 25-March-2003

    French, Excel, 158kb

    Les conclusions et recommandations de l'examen des pairs 2003 du Comité d'Aide au développement (CAD) de l'OCDE

    Le 18 mars dernier, le Comité d’Aide au Développement (CAD) de l’OCDE a procédé, pour la 3ème fois, à l’examen de la politique de coopération au développement du Luxembourg.

  • 5-August-2002

    English, , 771kb

    Area Development Projects, Poverty Reduction, and the New Architecture of Aid Volume I: Synthesis Report

    The purpose of this study was to identify how Sida’s Area Development Projects (ADPs) might be retooled to fulfil existing mandates more successfully, and at the same time to exert stronger influence over new poverty-focused resource allocation processes.

  • 3-August-2000

    English, , 1,298kb

    Glossary of Key Terms in Evaluation and Results Based Management: Swedish/English, English/Swedish

    Used by the UN system, the international development banks, bilateral donor agencies, and many governments and organisations in developing countries, it now represents the core of a common international vocabulary for evaluation and results based management in development cooperation.

  • 3-May-1999

    English, , 477kb

    Managing and Conducting Evaluations: Design study for a Sida evaluation manual

    This 'Design Study for a Sida Evaluation Manual' has been written to give Sida a basis for discussion and decision-making regarding the production of a new evaluation manual.

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