
  • 26-October-2011

    English, , 303kb

    Impact Analysis of the Determinants of the Demand for Financial Services in Rural Morocco

    The study, which began in 2006, capitalised on the start of Al Amana’s activities in rural areas and aimed to quantitatively measure the economic impacts of microcredit in remote rural areas.

  • 2-February-2010

    French, , 381kb

    Microfinance dans les États fragiles - Quelques enseignements de l’expérience de l’AFD

    L’Agence Française de Développement (AFD) a souhaité étudier la question de l’intervention en microfinance dans les États fragiles, à partir d’une revue du portefeuille de projets financés par l’AFD et de la littérature disponible.

  • 15-September-2009

    English, , 311kb

    Synthesis of Impact Evaluations of Microcredit

    Microcredit is regarded as a key development tool for reaching poor and vulnerable which has received considerable international recognizition and seen a significant growth in funding and outreach.

  • 6-September-2009

    English, Excel, 2,139kb

    Evaluation of Danish Support for Financial Services in Tanzania

    The evaluation covers Danish support to the financial sector in Tanzania from 2003 to 2008. The overall objectives of the evaluation are to assess the outcomes achieved from the Danish support to financial services in Tanzania during that period.

  • 20-October-2008

    English, , 737kb

    Poverty, Access to Credit and the Determinants of Participation in a New Micro-credit Program in Rural Areas of Morocco

    This paper describes the economic living conditions of the population in dispersed rural areas of Morocco and analyses their response to the introduction of a new micro-credit program.

  • 19-August-2008

    French, , 832kb

    Institutions de microfinance au Mali

    Le Centre international de recherche et de développement (CIDR) a pour objectifs de favoriser l'accès aux services financiers de proximité pour des micro-entrepreneurs ruraux et urbains et de lutter contre la pauvreté par l'initiative économique et l'autopromotion.

  • 15-July-2008

    French, , 881kb

    Évaluation d’institutions de microfinance en milieu rural à Madagascar

    L’objet de cette évaluation est d’apprécier la réponse qu’apporte la microfinance aux besoins de financement rural et agricole et de dresser un diagnostic des modes de gouvernance des institutions qui mettent en place ces programmes.

  • 11-March-2008

    Spanish, , 4,535kb

    Evaluation of the Microcredit Fund for Basic Social Development Projects Abroad (FCM)

    a) Conocer la coherencia del instrumento con el objetivo y prioridad de la Política Española de Cooperación Internacional de lucha contra la pobreza. Se trata de conocer con más detalle si el FCM está adecuadamente diseñado y ejecutadopara cumplir el objetivo de la Cooperación Española en materia de microcréditos, dentro de una actuación de promoción del desarrollo del tejido productivo y de protección de grupos vulnerables, así como

  • 27-September-2007

    English, , 2,885kb

    Evaluation on the Effect of Microfinance on Poor Rural Households and the Status of Women

    The Microfinance Development Strategy of ADB, approved in 2000, was formulated to support the development of high quality, sustainable microfinance services to poor and low-income households and their microenterprises.

  • 16-September-2005

    English, , 279kb

    Mid-term evaluation : breaking through barriers to growth -- expanding the scope and scale of credit with education in two regions

    The purpose of the current five-year Matching Grant (MG) program is to expand the quality and reach of integrated microfinance and life-skills training services to serve 200,000 clients in the Philippines and West Africa.

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