
  • 13-November-2008

    English, , 779kb

    Advance Market Commitment (AMC) for Pneumococcal Vaccines: Report of the Monitoring and Evaluability Committee

    This report recommends a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework for a pilot Advance Market Commitment (AMC) for a pneumococcal vaccine. It was prepared for the Monitoring and Evaluation Sub‐Group, on behalf of the AMC Donors’ Committee.

  • 4-November-2008

    English, , 4,246kb

    Child survival program - India : final evluation - community-led initiatives for child survival (CLICS), Wardha District, Maharashtra State, India

    The goal of the project was to bring about sustainable improvement in the health status and well being of the children under the age of three and women of reproductive age (15-44 years).

  • 17-October-2008

    English, , 3,181kb

    ACCESS Year Four Annual Report

    This report presents ACCESS Program results and activities; it is organized by the four results pathways of USAID's Office of Health, Infectious Diseases and Nutrition: skilled birth attendance, antenatal care, postpartum hemorrhage and newborn care.

  • 30-September-2008

    English, , 669kb

    Health Alliance International: Improving Maternal and Newborn Health in Timor Leste

    The project has met or exceeded many of its primary objectives and in doing so has earned a widespread reputation for collaboration, flexibility and integrity.

  • 1-September-2008

    English, , 493kb

    Programme for HIV Prevention in Kenya

    The objectives of the evaluation were to examine the cooperation program called “Programme for HIV Prevention” for Kenya, in order to produce recommendations and identify lessons learned concerning the planning and operation of the programs.

  • 20-February-2008

    English, , 170kb

    Health - Annual thematic performance update 2006–07

    The purpose of the annual thematic performance reports is to describe progress against AusAID’s policy objectives (including regional progress on the Millennium Development Goals), to identify current challenges in aid delivery and to highlight lessons to inform future investments.

  • 4-February-2008

    English, , 632kb

    Evaluation Study 2008/1: Synthesis of Evaluations of HIV/AIDS Assistance

    The basis for this study is the evaluations made by bilateral and multilateral donors of their HIV/AIDS programmes. This Evaluation Study includes a synthesis of main findings and recommendations of these evaluations and studies.

  • 4-December-2007

    English, , 737kb

    Zarafshan Partnerships - For Scaling-Up Innovative Approaches for Rural Tajikistan; To Building Community and Health Facility Capacity; To Sustain Key Investments in Essential Maternal and Child Health Services

    Save the Children (SC) implemented the CS-18 project as a follow-on or cost-extension of the CS-14 project in northwestern Tajikistan. The original CS-14 project targeted 73 communities in Penjikent District.

  • 28-November-2006

    English, Excel, 62kb

    Evaluation of the project “Health for all” (2005-2005) in S. Tome and Principe – Portugal (2005-07) - Executive Summary

    The present mid-term evaluation focuses its attention on the project of Reinforcement of the Net of Health Basic Cares, integrated in the PIC of S. Tomé and Príncipe (2005-2007) and in the respective Annual Plans of Cooperation (PAC) and implemented by IMVF NGO.

  • 11-November-2005

    Spanish, , 2,715kb

    Evaluation of Spanish Cooperation in Health in Mozambique

    Desde la Subdirección General de Planificación y Evaluación de Políticas de Desarrollo (SGPEPD)1 de la Secretaría de Estado para la Cooperación Internacional del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de Exteriores y de Cooperación, se encomienda la evaluación del Programa para la Recuperación del Patrimonio Histórico Arquitectónico y para el Desarrollo Turístico y Agrícola de Cidade-Velha (en adelante, el Programa), en la República de Cabo

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