
  • 18-November-2014

    English, PDF, 1,774kb

    Synthesis of Budget Support Evaluations

    This report presents a synthesis of the seven evaluations of General and Sector Budget Support, undertaken in Tunisia, Mali, Zambia, Tanzania, South Africa, Mozambique and Morocco over 2010 - 2014.

  • 8-September-2014

    English, PDF, 573kb

    Mid-Term Evaluation of the Budget Strengthening Initiative

    This evaluation validates a number of aspects of the Budget Strengthening Initiative's. It also tests the BSI theory of change against a set of evaluation questions derived from the OECD-DAC evaluation criteria and assesses whether the causal mechanisms are supported by the results achieved to date and whether they accurately capture the BSI model in operation.

  • 4-June-2014

    English, PDF, 4,474kb

    Independent Evaluation of Budget Support in Mozambique - Volume 1

    This study has evaluated all of the Budget Support operations undertaken in Mozambique from 2005 to 2012. The primary contribution of Budget support has been in the form of increased funding. In relation to financial inputs, Budget Support inputs have been important and efficiently delivered.

  • 2-May-2014

    English, PDF, 1,053kb

    Review of Budget Support Evaluations

    The study summarises the available evidence on what budget support as an aid modality has been able to achieve and provides lessons for the design of future budget support operations.

  • 13-March-2014

    English, PDF, 6,134kb

    Evaluation of Budget Support in South Africa - Volume 2

    The main objective of the evaluation is to assess to what extent budget support in South Africa contributed to achieve sustainable results on employment creation and poverty reduction with particular regard to inclusive and sustainable growth and the provision of social services.

  • 13-March-2014

    English, PDF, 3,460kb

    Evaluation of Budget Support in South Africa - Volume 1

    The main objective of the evaluation is to assess to what extent budget support in South Africa contributed to achieve sustainable results on employment creation and poverty reduction with particular regard to inclusive and sustainable growth and the provision of social services.

  • 4-December-2013

    English, PDF, 3,324kb

    Joint Evaluation of Budget Support to Tanzania: lessons learned and recommendations for the future Volume 1

    This study has evaluated the General and Sector Budget Support operations undertaken in Tanzania from 2005/06 to 2011/12. Over the past 8 years, Budget Support has had an important influence on growth, on improved outcomes in the education sector and on improvements in non-income poverty.

    Related Documents
  • 4-December-2013

    English, PDF, 4,672kb

    Joint Evaluation of Budget Support to Tanzania: lessons learned and recommendations for the future Volume 2

    This study has evaluated the General and Sector Budget Support operations undertaken in Tanzania from 2005/06 to 2011/12. Over the past 8 years, Budget Support has had an important influence on growth, on improved outcomes in the education sector and on improvements in non-income poverty.

    Related Documents
  • 13-December-2012

    English, PDF, 2,443kb

    Budget support: Conditional results

    It was felt that this general budget support would make aid more efficient and effective, and generate more sustainable results. It would also give donors the opportunity to encourage reform through the accompanying policy dialogue.

    Related Documents
  • 15-May-2012

    English, , 320kb

    Management of UK Budget Support Operations

    The ICAI report concludes that, in the right conditions, budget support is an effective way of providing development assistance but its practical value varies according to the country context.

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