
  • 30-October-2012

    English, PDF, 382kb

    Nordic influences on Gender Policies and Practices at the World Bank and the African Development Bank: A Case study

    This study has ascertained the usefulness of promoting gender equality through all available mechanisms in each of the two organizations at the appropriate policy level. The different entry points are the Executive Boards, the Board of Governors, the Replenishment negotiations mechanisms, senior management levels and operational managers at headquarters and in the field.

  • 12-September-2012

    English, PDF, 1,438kb

    Evaluation of Irish Joint Consortium on Gender-Based Violence

    This is an evaluation of the strategy, functioning and structure of the Irish Joint Consortium on Gender Based Violence in August 2011, which is intended to inform the future direction of the Consortium from 2013.

  • 16-August-2012

    English, PDF, 1,361kb

    Evaluation of the Austrian Development Cooperation Gender Policy between 2004–2011

    Austria has committed herself within a framework of international agreements to gender equality and women’s empowerment through gender mainstreaming. The relevance of the gender policy document itself appears to be rather limited. Austrian Development Cooperation staff do know it, but do not use it for providing guidance for their work.

  • 14-March-2012

    English, , 830kb

    Girl Hub: a DFID and Nike Foundation Initiative

    Girl Hub was established in February 2010 to help decision-makers and donors do more to address the needs and rights of adolescent girls. Girl Hub aims to be a catalyst.

  • 27-December-2011

    English, , 3,015kb

    What Works to Prevent Partner Violence?

    This document reviews the empirical evidence of what works in low- and middle-income countries to prevent violence against women by their husbands and other male partners.

  • 22-December-2011

    English, , 1,162kb

    Evaluation of the "Women in Africa" Regional Support Initiative

    In 2006, the Danish government launched a five-step plan to promote women’s empowerment and gender equality in Africa. A special allocation was earmarked for regional support initiatives to enhance African ownership and promote cooperation across boundaries.

  • 22-November-2011

    English, , 872kb

    Evaluation Insights #3: Mainstreaming Gender Equality

    A recent review of experiences shows that gender equality is not yet integrated into the operations and organisational cultures of development organisations. Meeting this challenge will require a significant cultural change.

  • 17-May-2011

    English, , 1,285kb

    Mainstreaming gender equality: a road to results or a road to nowhere?

    The underlying reasons for failure are often related to competing leadership priorities, such as the MDGs, aid effectiveness and governance agendas to name a few, which have crowded out mainstreaming gender equality.

    Related Documents
  • 12-January-2011

    English, , 284kb

    Gender equality in and through education

    This evaluation illustrates how gender equality can be and is promoted throughSwedish bilateral support to education.

  • 28-December-2010

    English, , 611kb

    Indonesia Partnership for Maternal & Neonatal Health

    The Program provides technical assistance and additional funds to provincial and district level governments with the aim of them effectively managing a range of resources to progressively meet Millennium Development Goal targets for maternal and child health.

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