
  • 4-March-2016

    English, PDF, 2,962kb

    Evaluation of Policy Dialogue as an Instrument in Swedish Development Cooperation - the case of Gender Equality

    Despite some flaws, policy dialogue has been an effective tool overall. Swedish embassies have been able to use it in diverse contexts to help achieve Sweden’s development co-operation objectives. There is also clear evidence it has contributed to increased gender equality, particularly regarding development or revision of gender-specific laws. It had the least effect in terms of governments increasing resources for gender equality.

  • 1-March-2016

    English, PDF, 931kb

    Opening Doors and Unlocking Potential – Key Lessons from an Evaluation of Support for Policy Influencing, Lobbying and Advocacy

    An increasing number of donors have rediscovered the importance of civil society in creating the conditions for achieving sustainable development. The Netherlands follows this trend. The evaluation concludes that CSOs succeed to various degrees in placing issues higher on the agenda and in influencing policy. However, influencing policy implementation is far more difficult to realise.

  • 8-December-2015

    English, PDF, 1,240kb

    Youth, Entrepreneurship and Development

    This report gives an overview of the international research frontier on microfinance, business training, and entrepreneurship, with particular focus on youth and gender empowerment. It provides both a comprehensive overview of the literature and an in-depth analysis of findings. The report discusses the potential and limitations of small-scale business development as a tool for poverty reduction, and informs Swedish development policy.

  • 4-December-2015

    English, PDF, 2,769kb

    Gender sense & sensitivity – Policy evaluation on women’s rights and gender equality 2007-2014

    The evaluation found that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has struggled with mainstreaming the equal rights for women and men principle into development aid policies. The report calls for increasing gender sensitivity, for analysing women’s specific constraints, needs and priorities. It underlines the importance of a long-term commitment to gender equality coupled with a sensible dose of realism on what effectively can be accomplished.

  • 4-December-2015

    English, PDF, 5,661kb

    Evaluation of the MDG3 Fund – ‘Investing in Equality’ 2008-2011

    This evaluation informs on how the MDG3 Fund has been put into practice and what is known of its results. Looking at the types of activities financed by the Fund, 80% of the projects undertook policy influencing, lobby and advocacy. It is a sub-study of the policy evaluation on women’s rights and gender equality conducted by IOB.

  • 4-December-2015

    English, PDF, 1,400kb

    Gender, peace and security: Evaluation of the Netherlands and UN Security Council resolution 1325

    This report aims to assess what progress the Netherlands has accomplished in putting the UN resolution 1325 into practice. To make this assessment, the report examines the Dutch National Action Plans that were agreed in 2007 and 2011, and the activities undertaken by the signatories to the Plans. It is a sub-study of the policy evaluation on women’s rights and gender equality conducted by IOB.

  • 15-June-2015

    English, PDF, 1,184kb

    Evaluation of Norway’s support to women’s rights and gender equality in development cooperation

    The report assesses the extent to which results have been achieved and whether they are in line with the Action Plan for Women’s Rights and Gender Equality in development cooperation and its four thematic priorities: political empowerment, economic empowerment, sexual and reproductive health rights and violence against women.

  • 4-May-2015

    English, PDF, 1,022kb

    Gender and Development in Belgian Cooperation

    The purpose of the evaluation was to examine the integration of the gender dimension in Belgian development cooperation. The evaluation concludes that Belgian development cooperation, in general, has not succeeded in making a substantial contribution to gender equality. Only a small number of organisations manage to integrate gender in a way which ensures that a significant contribution is made to strengthening gender equality.

  • 1-April-2015

    English, PDF, 818kb

    Development Effectiveness Review of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)

    The review provides an evidence-based assessment of the development effectiveness of UN Women’s relevance and performance. Findings indicate that the agency’s programming is highly relevant. The vast majority of evaluations reported high suitability to target group needs, strong alignment with national development goals and effective partnerships.

  • 6-February-2015

    English, PDF, 1,847kb

    Evaluating The Effectiveness of Gender-Based Violence Prevention Programs with Refugees in Malaysia

    The evaluation assesses the effectiveness of gender-based violence prevention programming for individuals and communities at risk. It identifies appropriate indicators for measuring the effectiveness of GBV prevention interventions in refugee settings. The evaluation will provide the Department of State, multilateral organisations such, and non-governmental organisation with guidance about conducting priority GBV prevention initiatives.

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