
  • 19-August-2008

    French, , 1,623kb

    Volet social et environnemental du barrage de Manantali

    C’est en réponse à la sécheresse des années 1970 que l’Organisation pour la mise en valeur du fleuve Sénégal (OMVS) – organisme de bassin créé en 1972 – lança un ambitieux programme d’investissement dans des infrastructures de maîtrise de l’eau du fleuve Sénégal.

  • 14-August-2008

    English, , 258kb

  • 29-December-2007

    English, , 4,203kb

    Impact Evaluation of HIMA - Iringa Region Tanzania

    The HIMA Project in Tanzania promoted sustainable agricultural production, natural resource management, and forestry production among farmers, by utilizing participatory approaches that involved the local population and relevant “indigenous knowledge”.

  • 1-July-2007

    English, , 2,587kb

    The Nexus Between Infrastructure and Environment -- From the Evaluation Cooperation Group of the International Financial Institutions

    Infrastructure plays a crucial role in the drive for achieving development by providing energy, transportation, and water. The Evaluation Coordination Group (ECG) recognizes the importance of this linkage, which we call the infrastructure-environment nexus.

  • 15-June-2007

    English, , 8,058kb

    Asian Development Bank– Global Environment Facility Cofinanced Projects: Performance and Process Evaluations

    The Global Environment Facility (GEF), established in 1991, provides grants and concessional funds to address the world’s global environmental issues.

  • 7-March-2007

    Spanish, , 6,653kb

    Evaluation of the Spanish Cooperation ARAUCARIA Programme for the Conservation of Biodiversity and Sustainable Development

    El objetivo del Programa ARAUCARIA ha evolucionado en el tiempo. El diseño inicial adoptó un enfoque netamente ambientalista pero durante su implementación, el Programa fue avanzando hacia un mayor equilibrio entre conservación y desarrollo. El propio Documento Marco contempla, además, una serie de objetivos complementarios o retornosdesde la óptica de la sociedad española y pretende que el Programa vertebre las actuacionesen el

  • 15-November-2006

    English, , 630kb

    Integrating the Environment? Environmental Considerations in Sida’s Work

    The present report evaluates to what extent Sida’s policy on integrating environmental concerns in its work has been been effectively implemented.

  • 26-May-2006

    French, , 2,992kb

    Actions en faveur du développement durable dans la coopération internationale de la France

    Cette plaquette, dont l’information couvre la période de référence de l’évaluation (2000-2004) ne prétend nullement à l’exhaustivité.

  • 17-October-2005

    English, , 200kb

    End of program evaluation of the cooperative agreement between USAID/EGAT and the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI)

    This report provides the findings from a Washington-based final program evaluation carried out during August-October, 2005.

  • 11-July-2005

    English, , 185kb

    Mexico - Northern Border Environment Project and First Programmatic Environment Structural Adjustment Loan (PPAR)

    This is a Project Performance Assessment Report (PPAR) prepared by the Operations Evaluation Department (OED) on two environment projects in Mexico: the Northern Border Environment Project (NBEP, Loan No. 3750) and the programmatic Environmental Structural Adjustment Loan (EnvSAL I).

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