
  • 3-December-2009

    English, , 2,913kb

    Natural Disasters and Climate Change in Finnish Aid from the Perspective of Poverty Reduction

    This evaluation looked at the contribution of Finland to the natural disaster prevention and mitigation, particularly from the perspective of the poor and the vulnerable.

  • 29-October-2009

    English, , 2,018kb

    SDC's Contribution towards Biodiversity: Impact in the Andean Region

    The main purpose of this evaluation was to investigate the added value of the integration of biodiversity issues in SDC cooperation strategies in the Andean Region.

    Related Documents
  • 28-October-2009

    English, , 972kb

    A Synthesis of Evaluations of Environmental Development Assistance by Multilateral Organisations

    This synthesis study is based on a number of evaluations and specialised articles by a selection of multilateral organisations engaged in environmental assistance. These evaluation reports and specialised articles have been selected by Norad’s Evaluation Department.

  • 23-September-2009

    English, , 1,226kb

    Joint External Evaluation - Operation of the Least Developed Countries Fund for Adaptation to Climate Change

    The objective of the Evaluation was to analyze and document the results and lessons learned from the operations of the LDCF in financing and promoting climate change adaptation in the least developed countries.

  • 15-September-2009

    English, , 689kb

    The Global Invasive Species Programme

    The Global Invasive Species Program (GISP) is a global partnership whose mission is to conserve biodiversity and sustain human livelihoods by minimizing the spread and impact of invasive alien species (IAS).

  • 26-August-2009

    English, , 1,693kb

    Norwegian Environmental Action Plan - Baseline Study

    Norad’s Evaluation Department decided in April 2008 to carry out baseline studies in order to better measure the results of the developmental and environmental efforts supported, in the context of Norway’s Environmental Action Plan.

  • 27-May-2009

    English, Excel, 2,809kb

    Peer Review - The evaluation function of the Global Environment Facility (GEF)

    The purpose of the Professional Peer Review is to provide the GEF Council, the Assembly, the GEF Secretariat and the Evaluation Office with an independent assessment of the functioning of the GEF EO and the quality of its work.

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  • 14-April-2009

    French, , 1,911kb

    Évaluation de la dotation de la France au Fonds pour l’environnement mondial (FEM)

    Cette évaluation a pour objet de porter un jugement sur la pertinence et la cohérence de la dotation au regard des objectifs poursuivis par la France, des paysbénéficiaires et des autres outils bilatéraux et multilatéraux existants ; d’apporter deséléments pour juger de sa performance.

  • 2-February-2009

    English, , 385kb

    Mainstreaming the Environment Does Sida Conceptualize Poverty-Environment Linkages in Accordance with the Global Norm?

    The failure to properly recognise the linkages between the environment and poverty reduction has previously been put forward as a critical shortcoming in Swedish development cooperation as well as in development cooperation in general.

  • 15-October-2008

    English, , 274kb

    Introduction of Voluntary Social and Ecological Standards in Developing Countries

    The evaluation has shown that standard initiatives can also be an efficient and effec-tive tool for poverty reduction and sustainable development in the African context.

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