
  • 18-November-2013

    English, PDF, 951kb

    IOB Study: Renewable Energy: Access and Impact, A systematic literature review of the impact on livelihoods of interventions providing access to renewable energy in developing countries

    About 40% of the global population relies on traditional use of biomass for cooking (i.e. the three-stone fires) and heating their houses. The objective of the systematic literature review presented in this report is to provide a comprehensive overview of evaluative literature and reports regarding the impact of (renewable)energy interventions on the livelihoods of end-users.

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    English, PDF, 3,035kb

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  • 25-January-2013

    English, PDF, 2,697kb

    Facing the Resource Curse: Norway’s Oil for Development Program

    Results have been most important in the resource sector by strengthening institutional frameworks and key public sector actors. In the finance sector, when Norway has committed sufficient resources, important achievements have been produced, but the reach has so far been limited.

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    English, , 3,819kb

    Finnish support to the energy sector

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    English, , 996kb

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    English, , 694kb

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  • 17-November-2010

    English, , 548kb

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    English, , 878kb

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