
  • 22-December-2010

    English, , 4,446kb

  • 22-December-2010

    English, , 7,549kb

  • 22-December-2010

    English, , 3,843kb

  • 3-September-2010

    English, , 402kb

    Uzbekistan: Education

    The objective of this sector assistance program evaluation is to assess the peformance of the Asian Development Bank assistance in the education sector of Uzbekistan for the period 1996-2009.

  • 24-August-2010

    French, , 399kb

    Capitalisation des démarches pour la mise en oeuvre des projets de formation professionnelle: Tunisie et Maroc

    L’AFD devrait alors situer son action dans le cadre d’un appui, par chaque administration, à la mise en oeuvre de sa stratégie de formation professionelle. L’AFD pourra ainsi apporter sa contribution dans divers domaines.

  • 1-July-2010

    English, , 649kb

    Evaluation of Higher Education Programmes in Nicaragua and South-East Europe 2005–2009

    The purpose of this evaluation is to scrutinize higher-education-support programs financed by Austrian Development Agency (ADA) in Kosovo, Serbia and Nicaragua, with a specific look into recommendations for future activities.

  • 29-June-2010

    English, , 456kb

    Fiji Education Sector Program

    The Fiji Education Sector Program (FESP) aim was to support the Fiji Interim Ministry of Education (MoE) to deliver quality education services and improve education outcomes, especially for children in disadvantaged and remote communities.

  • 25-May-2010

    English, , 2,952kb

    Indonesia Reality Check Main Study Findings - Basic Education Program

    This Reality Check provides insights into how activities under the AusAID-Indonesia Basic Education Program have been translated into experienced reality of people living in poverty.

  • 18-May-2010

    English, , 36kb

    Indonesia Basic Education Program - Management Response

    The Australia Indonesia Basic Education Program's objective is to support the Government of Indonesia in improving equitable access to higher quality and better governed basic education services in the targeted, disadvantaged areas

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  • 18-May-2010

    English, , 159kb

    Indonesia Basic Education Program

    The Australia Indonesia Basic Education Program's objective is to support the Government of Indonesia in improving equitable access to higher quality and better governed basic education services in the targeted, disadvantaged areas

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