
  • 18-October-2011

    English, , 1,544kb

    Evaluation of DFID's International Citizen Service Pilot Stage: Mid-term review

    The 18 month pilot programme, International Citizen Service is supporting young British citizens to contribute to development through international volunteering and generating knowledge to inform future youth volunteering programmes.

  • 18-October-2011

    French, , 1,961kb

    L’assistance technique résidente: enseignements du secteur de l’éducation en Mauritanie

    La perception du rôle de l'assistance technique résidente, et les attentes en la matière, sont différentes suivant les acteurs. Si les bénéfices apportés par une expertise technique font l’unanimité, l’usage qui en est fait renvoie à des objectifs multiples.

  • 13-September-2011

    English, , 4,392kb

    The two-pronged approach: Evaluation of Netherlands support to primary education in Bangladesh

    The evaluation shows that the overall net enrolment rate has increased from 65% in 2000 to 81% in 2009. Equity of access still remains a key concern with children from the poorest quintiles completing primary education at a later age and appearing to drop out more frequently.

  • 13-June-2011

    English, , 637kb

    Evaluation of SDC's Vocational Skills Development Activities

    The report presents the findings of an external evaluation of SDC's Cooperation’s Vocational Skills Development activities. The evaluation portfolio covered 10 projects and programmes in 9 countries (Albania, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Ecuador, Mali, Moldova, Nepal, Nicaragua, Peru).

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  • 25-May-2011

    English, , 252kb

    Open Fun Football Schools Programme

    This evaluation looks at the Open Fun Football Schools, sports-based peacebuilding initiative in post-war Balkans, Caucaus and Levant countries. The study aims to document the extent to which the programme achieved objectives and draw lessons for future programmes.

  • 11-May-2011

    English, , 377kb

    Cooperation Project: Reintegration of Ex-combatants in Sierra Leone

    Trainers for vocational training were difficult to find and had to be qualified before training. Recruitment of personnel was challenging due to the multiple funding agencies and multi-sectoral approach of the development measure.

  • 19-April-2011

    English, , 630kb

    Education of Social Cohesion in Sri Lanka - Interim evaluation report

    The Evaluation Team assessed the impact chain as logical and realistically achievable and only suggested the reformulation of one gender indicator (as already planned by the project staff) and the addition of a new indicator at outcome level

  • 12-January-2011

    English, , 284kb

    Gender equality in and through education

    This evaluation illustrates how gender equality can be and is promoted throughSwedish bilateral support to education.

  • 22-December-2010

    English, , 1,815kb

  • 22-December-2010

    English, , 3,935kb

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