
  • 28-December-2013

    English, PDF, 1,058kb

    Indonesia: Decentralized Health Services Project

    This performance evaluation report provides a set of lessons from a sector-wide, reform-based health program in Indonesia going through a process of decentralizing government services since 1999. The findings from the evaluation will feed into higher-level evaluations, including validation of the country partnership strategy final review planned for 2014.

  • 1-May-2012

    English, , 4,611kb

    Finnish support to development of local governance

    The purpose of the evaluation is to make a wider assessment of Finland’s support in local governance and decentralisation in Kenya, Namibia, South Africa and Tanzania.

  • 15-February-2012

    English, , 1,717kb

    Thematic global evaluation of the Commission support to decentralisation processes

    EC support to decentralisation reforms was initiated with two main objectives in mind: to contribute to improved local governance; and to contribute to more effective and efficient delivery of local services.

  • 9-December-2010

    English, , 2,596kb

    Evaluation of UNPD contribution to strengthening local governance

    UNDP has responded positively to national Governments in extending support for local governance reforms; however, since that is demand-driven, it has at times resulted in an ad hoc rather than strategic approach.

  • 26-October-2010

    English, , 628kb

    Provincial Capacity Building Programme, Phase II

    The Provincial Capacity Building Programme Phase II (PCaB) is a five-year program (2008-12). The goal of PCaB II is to strengthen the ability of provincial governments to manage their finances.This mid-term evaluation assesses whether the program is meeting these objectives.

  • 4-March-2010

    English, , 349kb

    Special Evaluation Study on Asian Development Bank Support for Decentralization in Indonesia

    This special evaluation study presents the findings of an independent assessment of the Asian Development Bank's support for decentralization in Indonesia since the start of such support in 1998. The evaluation is intended to inform the preparation of the new country partnership strategy.<

  • 18-August-2009

    English, , 1,527kb

    Evaluation of the Decentralisation of Danish Aid Management

    The DAC Peer Review of Denmark (from 2007) invited Denmark to evaluate its decentralised aid management.

  • 1-July-2005

    English, , 101kb

    Programme Evaluation - Decentralised governance in support of the national poverty reduction strategy (PADEP), Bolivia

    Summary Bolivia remains one of the poorest countries in Latin America. Its national poverty reduction strategy adopted in June 2001 carries forward the decentralisation policy of the 1990s, assigning to the municipal level, i.e. cities and districts, a central role in poverty eradication and hence in the implementation of the strategy. In view of their weak institutional and partially still unstable democratic structures, neither the