
  • 9-January-2015

    Portuguese, PDF, 1,042kb

    Relatório Anual da Avaliação e da Auditoria 2013

    O presente relatório apresenta o trabalho desenvolvido pelo Gabinete de Avaliação e Auditoria nas áreas da avaliação e auditoria no decorrer de 2013. O seu objetivo é não só sistematizar a informação disponível como, também, sintetizar os resultados, contribuindo para a partilha de conhecimento e a aprendizagem organizacional.

  • 9-January-2015

    Portuguese, PDF, 403kb

    Relatório Anual da Avaliação e da Auditoria 2010

    O presente relatório abrange as actividades de avaliação e auditoria interna desenvolvidas no decorrer do ano de 2010. O seu objectivo é, não só, sistematizar a informação disponível, como sintetizar os resultados e as constatações resultantes da actividade do Gabinete de Avaliação e Auditoria Interna que poderão contribuir para promover a partilha de conhecimento e acrescentar valor às actividades da Cooperação Portuguesa.

  • 28-November-2014

    English, PDF, 1,003kb

    Impact evaluation of the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD)

    The main objective of this evaluation is to assess “WFD’s effectiveness in contributing towards its intended outcome of making the parliaments and political parties it works with more effective, accountable and representative”. The expected outcome is to “strengthen democracy, stability and good governance, in the emerging/developing democracies and post-conflict countries and fragile states” in which WFD works.

  • 28-November-2014

    English, PDF, 2,123kb

    Mid-term evaluation of the SARRAH programme

    The evaluation concluded that programme’s relevance is probably the most consistently praised aspect of SARRAH’s performance. The average weighted relevance score of SARRAH work-streams is 3.7 on a scale of 1 to 4. All work-streams have scored 3 or 4 against the relevance criterion.

  • 28-November-2014

    English, PDF, 3,541kb

    CLEAR mid-term evaluation

    The conclusions of the evaluation show that the CLEAR initiative is highly relevant to the evolving global discourse on results management and aid effectiveness, to the M&E needs of governments, and to the priorities of current and potential donors.

  • 24-November-2014

    Spanish, PDF, 2,068kb

    Annual Evaluation Report 2013

    Annual Evaluation Report 2013 is the first annual evaluation report produced by the Spanish Cooperation. It provides information about different actors’ monitoring of evaluative activities during 2013 and a summary of learned lessons from the 2013 evaluations carried out by the Secretariat of State for International Cooperation and for Ibero-America. Spanish only

  • 23-September-2014

    English, PDF, 1,207kb

    Evaluation of the Danish strategy for the promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights 2006-2013

    In 2013, Danida decided to carry out an evaluation of Denmark’s Strategy for the Promotion of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights(SRHR). The Strategy provides the framework for Danish support to SRHR. The decision to undertake an evaluation was based on the continued priority of place given to SRHR in Danish development assistance and the expectation that the Strategy will continue to guide engagement in the area.

  • 23-September-2014

    English, PDF, 1,955kb

    Research on means of results-based management for the development consulting project "DEEP"

    The main objectives of the results-based management of development study programme is first, to provide an important source of basic information in policy decisions to determine the feasibility of development planning and projects and second, capacity development through consulting services, technical support, the provision of know-how.

  • 18-August-2014

    English, PDF, 907kb

    2013 beneficiary satisfaction survey on KOICA's ODA programme worldwide

    The 2013 survey aimed to asses overall satisfaction levels and progress with regards to KOICA’s ODA programmes and projects. By analysing factors that contributed to satisfaction and/or dissatisfaction among beneficiary countries, this survey should serve as foundational material from which overall satisfaction and project effectiveness can be gauged.

  • 24-June-2014

    English, PDF, 1,305kb

    Learning from Australian Aid Operational Evaluations

    Building on the quality review, this report synthesises the findings of the 64 evaluations assessed as credible and offering lessons of potential value to a wider audience. The purpose of this synthesis report is to inform and improve aid programme design and management. The report identifies nine key lessons for improving the effectiveness of the Australian aid programme.

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