
  • 16-January-2007

    English, , 1,069kb

    Parliamentarians for Global Actions, Peace and Democracy Programme

    This is an evaluation of Parliamentarians for Global Action’s Peace & DemocracyProgramme with a special focus on Africa. It has been commissioned by Danida and conducted by COWI A/S.

  • 4-December-2006

    English, , 336kb

    case study Haiti - Evaluation of UNDP Assistance to conflict-affected countries

    The evaluation intends to investigate to what extent UNDP’s activities in conflict-afflicted countries contributed to the goal of human security defined broadly as ‘freedom from fear’ and ‘freedom from want’.

  • 7-July-2005

    English, , 1,048kb

    Returning Home: An Evaluation of Sida’s Integrated Area Programmes in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    In 2003, the Department for Evaluation and Internal Audit (UTV) at Sida decided to make an independent evaluation of the IAPs (integrated Area Programmes).

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  • 1-March-2005

    English, , 646kb

    Support to Internally Displaced Persons - Learning from Evaluations. Synthesis Report of a Joint Evaluation Programme

    Efforts to improve the institutional arrangements in relation to IDPs (principally within the UN) have been taking place within the context of wider efforts to improve coordination in humanitarian operations.

  • 1-December-2004

    English, , 841kb

    Lessons from Rwanda – Lessons for Today

    Assessment of the Impact and Influence of the Joint Evaluation of Emergency Assistance to Rwanda.

  • 1-October-2003

    English, , 362kb

    Evaluation of the Austrian Mine Action Programme 1998-2002

    Field Study about the projects supported by Austria, in South-East Europe (Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Albania, Serbia and Montenegro/Kosovo)

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  • 31-March-2003

    English, PDF, 49kb

    Iraq and Rehabilitation: Lessons from Previous Evaluations

    Iraq is not Afghanistan and it is not the Balkans, but lessons need to be learned from these two recent touchstones of humanitarian experience. There are similarities to Afghanistan in the expanse of the country and the regional socio-political dynamics. There are also similarities to the Balkans in the need to address a crisis with a relatively urbanized, highly educated and (formerly) well off population.

  • 19-March-1996

    English, , 340kb

    The International Response to Conflict and Genocide: Lessons from the Rwanda Experience - Synthesis Report

    The main objective of the evaluation is to draw lessons from the Rwanda experience relevant for future complex emergencies as well as for current operations in Rwanda and the region, suchas as early warning and conflict management.

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