
  • 20-April-2011

    French, , 791kb

    Evaluation de quinze projets ONG à Madagascar

    Les 15 projets couvrent un large spectre de thématiques, de la santé (publique et privée) et pharmacopée traditionnelle, aux droits des enfants victimes d’exploitation sexuelle, en passant par la micro et petite entreprise.

  • 14-March-2011

    English, , 1,898kb

    Results of development cooperation through Norwegian NGOs in East Africa - Volume 1

    The study aims at assessing the achievements of Norwegian organisations and their partners in 15 randomly selected long-term development projects operating in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda from 2005-2009.

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  • 27-October-2010

    French, , 662kb

    Evaluation du dispositif de Volontariat de Solidarité Internationale (VSI) - Synthese

    Le volontariat de solidarité internationale (VSI) permet à des citoyens, pour un temps déterminé, de mettre leurs compétences au service d’actions de solidarité internationale, de développement ou d’urgence humanitaire.

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  • 1-September-2010

    English, , 780kb

    How Basic Community Infrastructure Works can Trigger Livelihood Improvements and Good Governance Personal notes on a validated model integrating socio-economic progress and democracy development in poor urban areas

    Traditional democracy support only is likely to yield few concrete results. And projects focusing only on concrete – that is, public works – tend to be few and expensive, of questionable quality and often not reflecting priorities within the community.

  • 28-October-2009

    English, , 941kb

    Thematic Evaluation of Support by Danish NGO's to Civil Society in Ghana and Ethiopia

    This thematic evaluation of the support of Danish NGOs to civil society in developing countries has been commissioned by Danida’s Evaluation Department.

  • 10-June-2009

    French, , 607kb

    Etude sur le fonds social de développement - Synthese

    Le Fonds social de développement est l’outil essentiel mis à la disposition des ambassades pour le financement de projets de proximité portés par les associations locales et plus généralement pour appuyer les acteurs de la société civile.

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  • 5-May-2009

    English, , 1,752kb

    Evaluation of Norwegian Development Cooperation through Norwegian Non-Governmental Organisations in Northern Uganda (2003–2007)

    The evaluation of development aid through Norwegian NGOs in Northern Uganda is the second country oriented report in response to the Rattsø commision. It aims at assessing the achievements of Norwegian organisations and their partners in this part of Uganda.

  • 2-December-2008

    English, , 1,351kb

    Finnish NGO Foundations

    The evaluation confirms that the NGO Foundations are relevant for providing smallscale NGO support. The Foundations assist implementation of Finnish development cooperation policy by supporting key cross-cutting issues and the human-rights based approach to development.

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  • 29-November-2008

    English, , 940kb

    FIDIDA: An Example of Outsourced Service 2004–2008

    The purpose of the evaluation was to examine how successfully appraisal and followup as a part of the administration of NGO projects can be outsourced.

  • 22-October-2008

    English, , 843kb

    ANCP Philippines Cluster Evaluation Report

    This document reports the process and findings of a cluster evaluation of four non-government organisation (NGO) projects in the Philippines that have been supported by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) through the AusAID NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP).

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